Spices - is an ingredient of agricultural products that have economic value is very high. Indonesia has long been known as spices - the main ingredient of the world. Spices - spices have chemical and mineral contents are different from other agricultural products, so that the spices - spice export the product to be very attractive by all countries. Spices - spices can be exported in processed form that is packed in plastic bottles or also in the form that has not been processed. In general, spices - lots of spices are used as additional material or food for example is penyedap cinnamon and vanilla. Spices - spices can also be used as basic material products - beauty products and can also be used as a treatment material, such as ginger and turmeric (Anonymous, 2009).
Now with advances in technology that the rapid, often times we temuikan product - processed spice products in the market. Product spice - spice powder processed in the form of ginger can be in the form IM, IM coriander, cumin IM, IM cayenne, nutmeg seed IM, insatan turmeric, cinnamon powder and pepper finely. Meanwhile, in the form of trade can be a nutmeg paste and liquid in the form of vanilla may be a liquid.
The Spices
Spice - spice aromatic plant is a single product or mixture of materials without any additional or no volatil separated and used for aroma and taste menembah (flavoring), spices (seasoning), but not menembah good nutrition food in the form of intact, broken or powdered. Spice - spice is komponene plants or vegetables that can be eaten dried which is capable of menembah flavor and taste of food. Most of the smell fragrant, aromatic, and pugent. Spices - spices can come from rimpang such as ginger and ginger, sweet skin, such as skin, such as bay leaves and basil, flowers such as cloves, selendri such as seeds, tubers, such as onion and garlic and other - other (Tirza Hanum, 2009).
The Nature and Purposes of Spices
Basically spices - many spices used as food additive or flavor memeperbaiki the taste of food, taste warm, bitter, menajamkan and refreshing taste and flavor as the food tastes pengundang. Besides functionality, and spices - spices can also digunakn as antioxidants and as a preservative. Katif components in spices - the spices pengawer useful as, among others, are on the atsiri oil of cloves is eugenol, curcumin in turmeric and garlic allisin on the whole can prevent the growth of microorganisms. As antioxidants spices - spices can prevent ketengikan oil, fat, frozen meat, and oil in water emulsion (Tirza Hanum, 2009).
1) Sweet Skin
Sweet skin or better known by the name of a less appropriate cinnamon (Cinnamomum verum, synonym C. zeylanicum) is a kind of tree spices. Included in the type of spice that is very heavily, sweet and spicy. People usually use the spices to the food that is burned in the sweet, hot wine. Dry skin in the plant Cinnamomum trade in Indonesia, known as cassiavera or cinnamon. Cassiavera is generally produced from C. Burmani West Sumatra is a major cassiavera in the World. In international trade, cassiavera known as kancci or Padang Padang Cassiavera ex. Cassiavera contain oil atsiri of the skin in part (phloem). In addition cassiavera also contain benzoat and salisilat compound that can prevent the growth of microbes. Cassiavera dry processing is done by farmers Cinnamomum secaratradisional using the methods and tools simple. To obtain cassiavera be paring dry skin, pemeraman, erosion, and drying (Anonymous, 2001).
2) coriander
Coriander (Coriandrum sativum), perhaps originating from southern Europe. The form of a small seed of 1 to 2 millimeter. Similar to pepper seeds, but smaller and darker. In addition, feel and do not contain more light from the pepper. Various types of traditional Indonesian cuisine often uses ingredients such as bean-shaped grain of hardware called coriander. With the additional flavor, the aroma cuisine akan more nyata.Tak only bijinya are often used in cooking. Leaves the compound, such as celery is often sliced thin and used in cooking, such as topping the soup and salad special Thailand. In that country, given the name coriander phak chee. Same with bijinya, coriander leaves are also heavily sharp. Benefits that are taken from from the coriander leaves, seeds, and fruit. From all parts of the uterus, there is a sabinene, myrcene, a-terpinene, ocimene, linalool, geraniol, dekanal, desilaldehide, trantridecen, petroselinat acid, oktadasenat acid, d-mannite, skopoletin, p-simena, kamfena, and felandren (Siswono, 2003).
Now with advances in technology that the rapid, often times we temuikan product - processed spice products in the market. Product spice - spice powder processed in the form of ginger can be in the form IM, IM coriander, cumin IM, IM cayenne, nutmeg seed IM, insatan turmeric, cinnamon powder and pepper finely. Meanwhile, in the form of trade can be a nutmeg paste and liquid in the form of vanilla may be a liquid.
The Spices
Spice - spice aromatic plant is a single product or mixture of materials without any additional or no volatil separated and used for aroma and taste menembah (flavoring), spices (seasoning), but not menembah good nutrition food in the form of intact, broken or powdered. Spice - spice is komponene plants or vegetables that can be eaten dried which is capable of menembah flavor and taste of food. Most of the smell fragrant, aromatic, and pugent. Spices - spices can come from rimpang such as ginger and ginger, sweet skin, such as skin, such as bay leaves and basil, flowers such as cloves, selendri such as seeds, tubers, such as onion and garlic and other - other (Tirza Hanum, 2009).
The Nature and Purposes of Spices
Basically spices - many spices used as food additive or flavor memeperbaiki the taste of food, taste warm, bitter, menajamkan and refreshing taste and flavor as the food tastes pengundang. Besides functionality, and spices - spices can also digunakn as antioxidants and as a preservative. Katif components in spices - the spices pengawer useful as, among others, are on the atsiri oil of cloves is eugenol, curcumin in turmeric and garlic allisin on the whole can prevent the growth of microorganisms. As antioxidants spices - spices can prevent ketengikan oil, fat, frozen meat, and oil in water emulsion (Tirza Hanum, 2009).
1) Sweet Skin
Sweet skin or better known by the name of a less appropriate cinnamon (Cinnamomum verum, synonym C. zeylanicum) is a kind of tree spices. Included in the type of spice that is very heavily, sweet and spicy. People usually use the spices to the food that is burned in the sweet, hot wine. Dry skin in the plant Cinnamomum trade in Indonesia, known as cassiavera or cinnamon. Cassiavera is generally produced from C. Burmani West Sumatra is a major cassiavera in the World. In international trade, cassiavera known as kancci or Padang Padang Cassiavera ex. Cassiavera contain oil atsiri of the skin in part (phloem). In addition cassiavera also contain benzoat and salisilat compound that can prevent the growth of microbes. Cassiavera dry processing is done by farmers Cinnamomum secaratradisional using the methods and tools simple. To obtain cassiavera be paring dry skin, pemeraman, erosion, and drying (Anonymous, 2001).
2) coriander
Coriander (Coriandrum sativum), perhaps originating from southern Europe. The form of a small seed of 1 to 2 millimeter. Similar to pepper seeds, but smaller and darker. In addition, feel and do not contain more light from the pepper. Various types of traditional Indonesian cuisine often uses ingredients such as bean-shaped grain of hardware called coriander. With the additional flavor, the aroma cuisine akan more nyata.Tak only bijinya are often used in cooking. Leaves the compound, such as celery is often sliced thin and used in cooking, such as topping the soup and salad special Thailand. In that country, given the name coriander phak chee. Same with bijinya, coriander leaves are also heavily sharp. Benefits that are taken from from the coriander leaves, seeds, and fruit. From all parts of the uterus, there is a sabinene, myrcene, a-terpinene, ocimene, linalool, geraniol, dekanal, desilaldehide, trantridecen, petroselinat acid, oktadasenat acid, d-mannite, skopoletin, p-simena, kamfena, and felandren (Siswono, 2003).
3) Pala
Besides the spices, nutmeg plants also function as a producer of oil atsiri many industi used in canning, beverage and cosmetics. Stem / wood nutmeg tree is called "jimf" only be used as firewood. Stem bark and leaf plant produces nutmeg oil atsiri Fuli object is to wrap the seeds of nutmeg-shaped nutmeg like webbing, called a "mace". Mace is in the form of dry lots sold in the country. Nutmeg seed is never used by the indigenous people as rempahrempah. Nutmeg can indeed alleviate all pain and soreness caused by the cold and flu in the stomach and intestine. Nutmeg seed is very good medicine for the digestive upset, and other drug-muntahmuntah others. Nutmeg meat is very good and very tune by the public if it has to be processed snacks, such as pickle nutmeg, candied nutmeg, marmelade, jelly nutmeg, crystal meat nutmeg (Sunanto, 1993).
4) Vanili
Vanilla (Vanilla planifolia) is a plant of the usual vanilla powder is made pengharum food. Powder is produced from the podded fruit. Vanilla plant was first recognized by the Indian in Mexico, the plant origin tersebut.Produk vanilla Indonesia exported still podded dried. Vanilla flavor used in many industrial food / beverage, pharmaceutical and cosmetics. In industrial food / drink is generally used in the form of extracts, pharmaceutical purposes in the form of tincture and to perfume in the form of tinctuce or absolute. For direct consumption in the household is generally in the form of whole or powdered. Use is directly mixed into food or drink. Dried vanilla pod can be further processed into oleoresin extract, which is outside the country
much. Export in the form of vanilla oleoresin is more profitable
because it does not require a great place in the packaging and
pengangkutannya and selling higher value. Another form of profit
oleoresin compared to the original form is: 1) free from contamination
microorganisms, 2) levels have a stronger flavor than
original material, and 3) more easily in the process of mixing in
food processing (Endang, 2007).
5) Ginger
Herb, erect, about 30-60 cm high. Pseudo-stem, grooved, green. Single leaf, bottle green. Lancet-shaped leaf blade, flat edge, spike, and pangkalnya blunt. Long leaves approximately 20-40 cm width and approximately 2-4 cm. Compound flower-shaped ear, stalk
perbungaan length approximately 25 cm, red-green. Sheath tubular, three-pronged. Funnel-shaped flowers crown length. 2 - 2.5 cm, purple. Fruit box-shaped rounded to rounded long, brown. Rounded black seeds. Fibrous roots, dirty white. Rimpangnya ramify, thick and quite broad (no astigmatism), pale yellow. Rimpang stringy part in the robust, young yellow with pink tip. Rimpang characteristic smell, and
refreshing, spicy taste. Rimpang contains ginger oil atsiri consisting of a compound-compound seskuiterpen, zingiberen, zingeron, oleoresin, kamfena, limonen, borneol, sineol, sitral, zingiberal, felandren. Besides, there are also starch, resin, acid-organic acid such as acid malat and oksalat acid, Vitamin A, B, and C, and senyawasenyawa flavonoid and polifenol (Ikhsan, 2009).
6) cumin
Caraway white (Cuminum cyminum) is a flowering plant of the Apiaceae family that came from the eastern Mediterranean Sea to the eastern part of India. This plant is a plant with annual terna shaped fork with a slender stem 20-30 cm high. Leaves 5-10 cm long, shaped menyirip or duplex menyirip and have children, such as leaf thread. Flowers small, white or pink, and bergerombol on payungan interest. Longkah is a fruit (achene) reel or oval with a lateral length of 4-5 mm and contains one seed. Caraway seeds and white similar to fennel seeds, but smaller and darker. Caraway white common ingredient used as a kitchen on a number of Indonesian food, mainly from Sumatra, Bali and Sulawesi. Aromanya strong and spicy effect. In Thailand, known as yeera (from the Hindi name gheera), in Malaysia called caraway white, and in English literature called cumin. White caraway seeds sold in the form of a dry (such as rice-shaped aft) brown young.
Now that a lot of tradition Boga use, ranging from Greece, Europe, South Asia, Southeast Asia and East, to the United States. Mexican cuisine is known caraway wear white often enough. The use of caraway and white that is most known as a curry spice blend (Anonymous, 2009).
7) red chilli
Chili or cayenne pepper or chili (Java language) is the fruit and plants, members of the genus Capsicum. Fruit can be classified as vegetables and spices, depending on how used. As a spice, fruit, spicy chili that is very popular in Southeast Asia as a brace taste of food. Chili or chili included in the tribe-terongan eggplant (Solanaceae) and is a plant that is easy to be planted in low or high in plateau. Chili plants contain many vitamins A and C and contain oil atsiri capsaicin, which causes a sense gives a warm, spicy and hot when used for spices (spice kitchen). Chili can easily be planted so that it can be used for daily needs without having to buy in the market (Anonymous, 2009).
8) Curcumin
Turmeric plants grow fork with 40-100 cm high. Stem is a pseudo-stem, upright, rounded, shape rimpang with the colors green and composed of pelepah leaves (slightly soft). Leaves a single, rounded form of eggs (lancet) to 10-40 cm aft, 8-12,5 cm wide and pertulangan menyirip with pale green. Compound bearing a blond and scaly from the pseudo-stem shoots, 10-15 cm long with a crown of about 3 cm wide and 1.5 cm, white / colors. End of the base and tapering leaves, leaves a flat edge. Rimpang epidermis brownish orange color, orange red fruit flesh yellowish. In the area of Java, turmeric herb widely used as herbal medicine for soothing nutritious, clean, dry out, the itching, and healing sleep. Main benefits of the turmeric plant, namely: as a traditional medicine, herbal medicine industry of raw materials and cosmetics, cooking ingredient materials, livestock etc.. In addition rimpang turmeric plant is also useful as anti inflamasi, oksidan anti, anti-microbe, cancer prevention, anti-tumor, and decrease the degree of fat and blood cholesterol, and blood cleanser as (Darwis, 1991).
9) Pepper
Pepper or pepper (Piper nigrum L.) is a plant of spices that come from bijinya. Lada very important component in the culinary world. In the past, the price is very high so that roam trigger European explorers to monopolize the pepper and colonization history of Africa, Asia, and America. In Indonesia, especially pepper produced in Bangka Island. Pepper dried before use after the first removed from the skin. Pepper called sahang in Banjar (bjn). Pepper commonly used in food additive to provide a sense of spicy nature, generally in the soup mix sauce dagingatau (Anonymous, 2009).
Besides the spices, nutmeg plants also function as a producer of oil atsiri many industi used in canning, beverage and cosmetics. Stem / wood nutmeg tree is called "jimf" only be used as firewood. Stem bark and leaf plant produces nutmeg oil atsiri Fuli object is to wrap the seeds of nutmeg-shaped nutmeg like webbing, called a "mace". Mace is in the form of dry lots sold in the country. Nutmeg seed is never used by the indigenous people as rempahrempah. Nutmeg can indeed alleviate all pain and soreness caused by the cold and flu in the stomach and intestine. Nutmeg seed is very good medicine for the digestive upset, and other drug-muntahmuntah others. Nutmeg meat is very good and very tune by the public if it has to be processed snacks, such as pickle nutmeg, candied nutmeg, marmelade, jelly nutmeg, crystal meat nutmeg (Sunanto, 1993).
4) Vanili
Vanilla (Vanilla planifolia) is a plant of the usual vanilla powder is made pengharum food. Powder is produced from the podded fruit. Vanilla plant was first recognized by the Indian in Mexico, the plant origin tersebut.Produk vanilla Indonesia exported still podded dried. Vanilla flavor used in many industrial food / beverage, pharmaceutical and cosmetics. In industrial food / drink is generally used in the form of extracts, pharmaceutical purposes in the form of tincture and to perfume in the form of tinctuce or absolute. For direct consumption in the household is generally in the form of whole or powdered. Use is directly mixed into food or drink. Dried vanilla pod can be further processed into oleoresin extract, which is outside the country
much. Export in the form of vanilla oleoresin is more profitable
because it does not require a great place in the packaging and
pengangkutannya and selling higher value. Another form of profit
oleoresin compared to the original form is: 1) free from contamination
microorganisms, 2) levels have a stronger flavor than
original material, and 3) more easily in the process of mixing in
food processing (Endang, 2007).
5) Ginger
Herb, erect, about 30-60 cm high. Pseudo-stem, grooved, green. Single leaf, bottle green. Lancet-shaped leaf blade, flat edge, spike, and pangkalnya blunt. Long leaves approximately 20-40 cm width and approximately 2-4 cm. Compound flower-shaped ear, stalk
perbungaan length approximately 25 cm, red-green. Sheath tubular, three-pronged. Funnel-shaped flowers crown length. 2 - 2.5 cm, purple. Fruit box-shaped rounded to rounded long, brown. Rounded black seeds. Fibrous roots, dirty white. Rimpangnya ramify, thick and quite broad (no astigmatism), pale yellow. Rimpang stringy part in the robust, young yellow with pink tip. Rimpang characteristic smell, and
refreshing, spicy taste. Rimpang contains ginger oil atsiri consisting of a compound-compound seskuiterpen, zingiberen, zingeron, oleoresin, kamfena, limonen, borneol, sineol, sitral, zingiberal, felandren. Besides, there are also starch, resin, acid-organic acid such as acid malat and oksalat acid, Vitamin A, B, and C, and senyawasenyawa flavonoid and polifenol (Ikhsan, 2009).
6) cumin
Caraway white (Cuminum cyminum) is a flowering plant of the Apiaceae family that came from the eastern Mediterranean Sea to the eastern part of India. This plant is a plant with annual terna shaped fork with a slender stem 20-30 cm high. Leaves 5-10 cm long, shaped menyirip or duplex menyirip and have children, such as leaf thread. Flowers small, white or pink, and bergerombol on payungan interest. Longkah is a fruit (achene) reel or oval with a lateral length of 4-5 mm and contains one seed. Caraway seeds and white similar to fennel seeds, but smaller and darker. Caraway white common ingredient used as a kitchen on a number of Indonesian food, mainly from Sumatra, Bali and Sulawesi. Aromanya strong and spicy effect. In Thailand, known as yeera (from the Hindi name gheera), in Malaysia called caraway white, and in English literature called cumin. White caraway seeds sold in the form of a dry (such as rice-shaped aft) brown young.
Now that a lot of tradition Boga use, ranging from Greece, Europe, South Asia, Southeast Asia and East, to the United States. Mexican cuisine is known caraway wear white often enough. The use of caraway and white that is most known as a curry spice blend (Anonymous, 2009).
7) red chilli
Chili or cayenne pepper or chili (Java language) is the fruit and plants, members of the genus Capsicum. Fruit can be classified as vegetables and spices, depending on how used. As a spice, fruit, spicy chili that is very popular in Southeast Asia as a brace taste of food. Chili or chili included in the tribe-terongan eggplant (Solanaceae) and is a plant that is easy to be planted in low or high in plateau. Chili plants contain many vitamins A and C and contain oil atsiri capsaicin, which causes a sense gives a warm, spicy and hot when used for spices (spice kitchen). Chili can easily be planted so that it can be used for daily needs without having to buy in the market (Anonymous, 2009).
8) Curcumin
Turmeric plants grow fork with 40-100 cm high. Stem is a pseudo-stem, upright, rounded, shape rimpang with the colors green and composed of pelepah leaves (slightly soft). Leaves a single, rounded form of eggs (lancet) to 10-40 cm aft, 8-12,5 cm wide and pertulangan menyirip with pale green. Compound bearing a blond and scaly from the pseudo-stem shoots, 10-15 cm long with a crown of about 3 cm wide and 1.5 cm, white / colors. End of the base and tapering leaves, leaves a flat edge. Rimpang epidermis brownish orange color, orange red fruit flesh yellowish. In the area of Java, turmeric herb widely used as herbal medicine for soothing nutritious, clean, dry out, the itching, and healing sleep. Main benefits of the turmeric plant, namely: as a traditional medicine, herbal medicine industry of raw materials and cosmetics, cooking ingredient materials, livestock etc.. In addition rimpang turmeric plant is also useful as anti inflamasi, oksidan anti, anti-microbe, cancer prevention, anti-tumor, and decrease the degree of fat and blood cholesterol, and blood cleanser as (Darwis, 1991).
9) Pepper
Pepper or pepper (Piper nigrum L.) is a plant of spices that come from bijinya. Lada very important component in the culinary world. In the past, the price is very high so that roam trigger European explorers to monopolize the pepper and colonization history of Africa, Asia, and America. In Indonesia, especially pepper produced in Bangka Island. Pepper dried before use after the first removed from the skin. Pepper called sahang in Banjar (bjn). Pepper commonly used in food additive to provide a sense of spicy nature, generally in the soup mix sauce dagingatau (Anonymous, 2009).
Handout Spice technology Departemen Of Postharvest Technology Lampung University by : Prof.Dr.Ir Tirza Hanum
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