Milk of soybean is a soybean extract with the way the seeds of soybeans in hot or cool water (Hermana, 1985). Milk including soy beverages are old in age, derived from the Chinese in the tenth century BC-2 and then developed in Japan and after the war to the world-II to begin developing countries of ASEAN. Akan development in Indonesia, but less so brisk, the drink "softdrink" a low nutritious grown rapidly (Winarno 1995).
Milk of soya contains nutrient composition of both substances. Milk nutrient composition of soybean nutrient composition almost equal cow milk.
View from the womb of nutrient , milk of soybean can be used as baby food because womb protein good enough. According to the results of research, the quality of soybean protein milk if given as a single food is 80% of cow milk protein. Thus, for five of malnutrition with milk of soya drink two glasses per day to meet 30% requirement of protein (Santoso, 1994).
Milk quality protein in soybean with almost the same quality of protein in cow milk. For example, protein efficiency ratio (PER) is 2.3 soybean milk, milk of cow while PER is 2.5. PER 2.3 means that each gram of protein consumed will increase the weight on the experimental animal (white rat) is 2.3 grams in the standard experimental conditions. Milk of soya contains provitamin A is high (243 mg/100 g) and vitamin B complex, expect B12. milk of soya have lower contents of calcium that is only 18% of the cow milk Winarno, 1995).
milk of soya minerals the womb (especially calcium) less compared to the cow milk. Therefore, the addition or fortifications of minerals and vitamins are often carried out by the industry that produces soybean milk (Winarno, 1995).
Lactose of cow milk successful up to the large intestine will be digested by intestinal microbes. As a result, they are not tolerant of laktosa akan suffer diarrhea every time cosumption of cow milk. Incident usually occurs in adults who do not drink it susu and generally come from Asia, Africa, and latin american. (sediaoetama, 1993).
For five years, two glass of soy milk can meet the needs of 30% protein in a day. Amino acid composition in soybean protein milk if compared with the cattle is the number of amino acid metionin and sistein fewer. However, the soybean has milk womb lisin amino acid that is high enough. In general, soybeans have milk of womb riboflavin, niasin, piridoksin, and the other B vitamins are high, and vitamin E, and vitamin K (Suhardjo, 1992).
Total of carbohydrate in the soy milk, only 12-14%, which can be used by the biological body. Carbohydrate consists of the oligosakarida and polisakarida. Oligosakarida Group consists of sukrosa, stakiosa, and raffinosa that dissolves in water. While the polisakarida of erabinogalaktan and cellulose materials that are not soluble in water and alcohol, and can not be digested (Santoso, 1994).
According Koswara (1991) If made in a manner that is less good, still suspected milk of soya-containing compound of antinutrient and cause off-flavor (taste and room of flavor in processed soybean products), which comes from raw materials soybean itself. Compound of antinutrient are antitripsin, hemaglutinin, fitat acid, and oligosakarida causes flatulensi (the occurrence of gas in the stomach so the stomach into mag). While the compound causes off-flavor in soybean glukosida for example, saponin, estrogen, and compound causes allergies. In the making of soy milk, compound must be removed so that the soybean milk with a good quality and safe for consumption.
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