A General Summary Of Acetic Acid by Jo Alelsto
Fermentation is good thing. Wines are due to fermentation of sugar in fruit juices to ethanol. Prolonged fermentation on the other hand by a certain species of bacterium leads to a chemical change of ethanol to ethanoic acid which also known as acetic acid. Home vinegar is five percent by mass acetic acid.
Dilute acetic acid in the form of vinegar has many home and culinary purposes. But the industrial acetic acid is popularly incorporated in the manufacture of vinyl acetate monomer (VAM). The production of this substance draws a third of the total consumption of the acid. VAM ends up in the market in the form of adhesives, paper, paints, and textiles.
Terephthalic acid is another substance derived from acetic acid. The high demand of polyester fibers has been the reason for the demand on this compound. Of course, it is used in fabrics for clothes, garments, bed sheets, curtains, and draperies. This industry takes about twenty percent of the total consumption of acetic acid.
Acetate esters draw about fifteen percent of the consumption of acetic acid. These compounds, that are products of reactions between the organic acid and an alcohol, are important in the production of solvents for paints and inks.
The acid under discussion is known for some medical purposes. It is a mild anti-bacterial agent. During white blood cell counts, it is used to destroy red blood cells. The mild acidic properties treat stings from box jellyfish. It also slows fungal growth. The popular vinegar is a food additive and preservative.
Acetic acid is one of the simplest carboxylic acids with a chemical formula CH3COOH and it freezes at 16.7 degrees Celsius. In its pure form, acetic acid is a white crystalline solid. This organic acid is one of the weakest acids by nature. In aqueous solutions, it only partially dissociates into acetate and hydrogen ions. However, weak as it is, this acid can be very corrosive and irritating at high concentrations.
What gives it an acidic nature is the hydrogen in the carboxylic group, COOH. In solutions with water, hydrogen is given as H+ ion. The other ion is the acetate ion, CH3COO-. The organic acid is a hydrophilic substance, which explains why it dissolves readily in water. This solubility accounts for its vast industrial use.
Like any other acids, inorganic or not, it reacts with metals to yield hydrogen gas and acetate salts. Metals like iron, magnesium and zinc may corrode in contact with acetic acid. For instance magnesium reacts with the acid to form magnesium acetate and hydrogen gas. Although reactions like this one have industrial purposes, it restricts the storage only to certain materials and the acid cannot be safely placed for storage and transportation in certain metals. It should be transported using aluminum tanks or containers, as aluminum forms a thin layer of aluminum oxide when exposed to the oxygen in the air. This film of aluminum oxide serves to resist corrosion in the presence of the acid.
A popular grade school science experiment is the reaction of the acid to baking soda (chemically known as sodium bicarbonate). This reaction yields water, carbon dioxide (which fizzes and bubbles up) and sodium acetate, which is metal acetate. Metal acetates can be actually formed in the same fashion. The reaction of the acid with a metallic base yields an acetate compound.
Acetic acid plays an essential role in living things. In human physiology, the metabolism of glucose produces alcohol. Further processing of alcohol produces acetaldehyde and acetic acid. The acetyl group from the acid is found in important biochemical processes. It combines with coenzyme A to form acetyl coenzyme A, which aids in the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates.
About the Author
Jo is a writer for 'ReAgent Chemical Services Ltd' (http://www.reagent.co.uk), an established UK stationed chemical manufacturer that makes, has a supply of and sells a huge selection of high quality chemical. If your business is looking for premium chemical product for example {a href=" http://www.reagent.co.uk/acetic-acid/acetic-acid-glacial-lrg.html"}Acetic Acid or has other industrial compound requirements then take a look at ReAgent Chemical Services Ltd.
Kamis, 28 Mei 2009
Selasa, 26 Mei 2009
Starch in the plant network has a form of granula (grains) that is different. Amilosa show molecular shape heliks (spiral) that can trap molecules-molecules such as in other acid-fatty acid and other forms of hydrocarbons. Granula starch is generally not soluble in cold water but cold water can absorb between 9.1% to 22.7%. Increasing the volume of starch granula going in the water at a temperature of between 55oC to 65oC is indeed the swelling, and after this starch granula can return to the original condition. If the temperature continues to be the granula starch molecules to vibrate so that the bond-bond between the starch molecules and binding of water with the hydrogen bond. If heating is continued with a higher temperature until swelling starch granula a maximum, and then broken, so that at the time of the occurrence of starch gelatinisasi. (Deshaliman.2003)
Gelatinisasi phenomenon is indicated by the typical starch-patian when starch is heated with adanyaair enough. In general, the changes that occur during the heating process Suspensi starch followed by cooling, are: 1). Granula that the development is caused by water imbibisi karma kelemahanya hydrogen bond. 2). Nature of the loss of birefringence that can be observed using the electron microscope (EM). 3). The increased clarity and 4). In a rapid increase in turbidity. To the four stages of the changes can occur simultaneously or gradually, by gelatinization temperature was usually not expressed in a temperature but a range. At the time cooled faction linier as the amylose groups, cluster hydroxy will associated of fish through hydrogen bonds that form the aggregate is not soluble. At the concentration of the liquid, sludge aggregate is formed, while at high concentration will form a gel. Aggregate formation of this phenomenon will be difficult going on amilopektin karna obstructed by the structure of the pectin fork. (Murhadi. 2005)
The formation of gel is influenced by the concentration of starch because gelatinization also depends on the thickness solution. The viscous solution, the temperature is increasing slowly until the temperature reached a certain thickness is not increased, sometimes even down. Concentration to make the best solution is a 20% gel, the higher the concentration, the gel that is less thick, and after some time viskositas akan turun. And pH optimum gel formation in the pH 4-7. When the pH is too high, the formation of the gel quickly but quickly reached down again, whereas if the pH is too low and slow terbentuknya gel when heating forwarded, viscosity will down again. In the pH 4-7 gel formation speed slower than pH 10, but if the heating be continued, viscosity not changed. (Setiadi, and Surya Fitri Nurulhuda. 1993)
Narayana, Subramony. 2002. Physicochemical and Functional Properties of Tropical Tuber Starches: A Review. Central Tuber Crops Research Institute,
Sreekaryam, Thiruvananthapuram, India
Suryati, Sri Hartinah, 1993. Buku Panduan Teknologi Pangan, Pusat Informasi Wanita dalam Pembangunan PDII-LIPI bekerjasama dengan Swiss Development Cooperation
Nurjanah. 2002. Penuntun praktikum pati. THP Unila. Bandarlampung
Anonim. 2009. Budidaya singkong pengembangan singkong sebagai agroindustri. Diambil dari http://prapanca21.wordpress.com/ . Diakses tanggal 20 May 2009.
Simon. 2008. Gelatinisasi Pati dan Adonan Berbasis Pati. dari http://simonbwidjanarko.wordpress.com/. Diaikses tanggal 20 May 2009.
Nuryani dan Sudjono, 1994. Budidaya Ubi Kayu. Dahara Priza. Jakarta
Darmajati, 1984. Peningkatan Hasil Ubi Kayu di Indonesia. Jakarta.
Deshaliman.2003. Memperkuat Ketahanan Pangan dengan Umbi-umbian. http://www.suarapembaruan.com/News/2005/08/06/index.html. Diakses tanggal 22 Maret 2008
Murhadi. 2005. Struktur Kimia dan Sifat Fungsional Air, Lipida, Karbohidrat dan Vitamin. THP Unila. Bandar Lampung
Winarno, F.G. 1987. Ilmu Pangan. UI Press. Jakarta.
Eko Susanto.2005. Lebih dekat dengan Pati Modifikasi[modified starch]. http://www.ppsdms.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=1744&Itemid=286. Diakses tanggal 15 Maret 2008
Gelatinisasi phenomenon is indicated by the typical starch-patian when starch is heated with adanyaair enough. In general, the changes that occur during the heating process Suspensi starch followed by cooling, are: 1). Granula that the development is caused by water imbibisi karma kelemahanya hydrogen bond. 2). Nature of the loss of birefringence that can be observed using the electron microscope (EM). 3). The increased clarity and 4). In a rapid increase in turbidity. To the four stages of the changes can occur simultaneously or gradually, by gelatinization temperature was usually not expressed in a temperature but a range. At the time cooled faction linier as the amylose groups, cluster hydroxy will associated of fish through hydrogen bonds that form the aggregate is not soluble. At the concentration of the liquid, sludge aggregate is formed, while at high concentration will form a gel. Aggregate formation of this phenomenon will be difficult going on amilopektin karna obstructed by the structure of the pectin fork. (Murhadi. 2005)
The formation of gel is influenced by the concentration of starch because gelatinization also depends on the thickness solution. The viscous solution, the temperature is increasing slowly until the temperature reached a certain thickness is not increased, sometimes even down. Concentration to make the best solution is a 20% gel, the higher the concentration, the gel that is less thick, and after some time viskositas akan turun. And pH optimum gel formation in the pH 4-7. When the pH is too high, the formation of the gel quickly but quickly reached down again, whereas if the pH is too low and slow terbentuknya gel when heating forwarded, viscosity will down again. In the pH 4-7 gel formation speed slower than pH 10, but if the heating be continued, viscosity not changed. (Setiadi, and Surya Fitri Nurulhuda. 1993)
Narayana, Subramony. 2002. Physicochemical and Functional Properties of Tropical Tuber Starches: A Review. Central Tuber Crops Research Institute,
Sreekaryam, Thiruvananthapuram, India
Suryati, Sri Hartinah, 1993. Buku Panduan Teknologi Pangan, Pusat Informasi Wanita dalam Pembangunan PDII-LIPI bekerjasama dengan Swiss Development Cooperation
Nurjanah. 2002. Penuntun praktikum pati. THP Unila. Bandarlampung
Anonim. 2009. Budidaya singkong pengembangan singkong sebagai agroindustri. Diambil dari http://prapanca21.wordpress.com/ . Diakses tanggal 20 May 2009.
Simon. 2008. Gelatinisasi Pati dan Adonan Berbasis Pati. dari http://simonbwidjanarko.wordpress.com/. Diaikses tanggal 20 May 2009.
Nuryani dan Sudjono, 1994. Budidaya Ubi Kayu. Dahara Priza. Jakarta
Darmajati, 1984. Peningkatan Hasil Ubi Kayu di Indonesia. Jakarta.
Deshaliman.2003. Memperkuat Ketahanan Pangan dengan Umbi-umbian. http://www.suarapembaruan.com/News/2005/08/06/index.html. Diakses tanggal 22 Maret 2008
Murhadi. 2005. Struktur Kimia dan Sifat Fungsional Air, Lipida, Karbohidrat dan Vitamin. THP Unila. Bandar Lampung
Winarno, F.G. 1987. Ilmu Pangan. UI Press. Jakarta.
Eko Susanto.2005. Lebih dekat dengan Pati Modifikasi[modified starch]. http://www.ppsdms.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=1744&Itemid=286. Diakses tanggal 15 Maret 2008
Senin, 25 Mei 2009
Using Portion Control When Dieting by Ed Penner
Food is not the main problem when we are dieting. The enemy is our inability to properly proportion the foods we eat. Far too often we fail to balance our intake of protein, carbohyrate, and fat. All three are needed by our bodies,but we have to exercise portion control for the diet to be successful.
Eating smaller portions:
With todays "all you can eat" buffets we sometimes tend to misjudge what proper portion control is like. 3 ounces of meat would be about the size of a deck of playing cards. This is enough when we are dieting and should be supplemented with vegetables rather than pasta or potatoes. Combining starch and protein causes the potato to be digested but the protein in the meat is not absorbed, basically leaving us malnourished. Protein control also needs to be exercised at fast food restaurants. Full meal deals should be avoided where we get hamburger and fries (these again work against each other). Salads would be a better choice to get the full benefit of all the nutrients.
Tips for eating less:
For snacks replace chips with carrot sticks or fruit. The fiber in vegetables takes longer to eat and digest, making you feel full longer. Fruit is always healthy and makes you feel less hungry. You should also drink at least 8 glasses of water a day, not only does this stave off hunger, it also helps your skin to retain its elasticity when you reach your desired weight. Do not skip meals as you will eat more later on to make up for it. Eating breakfast also helps with portion control as it stabilizes your blood sugar so you will feel less like snacking.
Compatible foods
Nuts are high in both protein and calories, this is a good thing as the protein will give you the energy to burn calories, so they complement each other. Peanut butter on an apple will also give you the same effect. Another guide in portion control is to eat 5 servings of vegetables and 3 servings of fruit every day; This will help to stave off our hunger pangs and prevent us from reaching out for junk food.
Maintaining portion control
The goal here should be to achieve a happy medium.This would involve a balanced amount of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats, but in smaller amounts. If we do occaisonally indulge (which is human nature), we can make up for this with more exercise. Exercise should also be incorporated along with portion control to expedite weight loss. Conventional weight loss programs can be very effective after we master the art of portion control. For some good weight loss programs please visit: http://associateguildonline.com/
Food is not the main problem when we are dieting. The enemy is our inability to properly proportion the foods we eat. Far too often we fail to balance our intake of protein, carbohyrate, and fat. All three are needed by our bodies,but we have to exercise portion control for the diet to be successful.
Eating smaller portions:
With todays "all you can eat" buffets we sometimes tend to misjudge what proper portion control is like. 3 ounces of meat would be about the size of a deck of playing cards. This is enough when we are dieting and should be supplemented with vegetables rather than pasta or potatoes. Combining starch and protein causes the potato to be digested but the protein in the meat is not absorbed, basically leaving us malnourished. Protein control also needs to be exercised at fast food restaurants. Full meal deals should be avoided where we get hamburger and fries (these again work against each other). Salads would be a better choice to get the full benefit of all the nutrients.
Tips for eating less:
For snacks replace chips with carrot sticks or fruit. The fiber in vegetables takes longer to eat and digest, making you feel full longer. Fruit is always healthy and makes you feel less hungry. You should also drink at least 8 glasses of water a day, not only does this stave off hunger, it also helps your skin to retain its elasticity when you reach your desired weight. Do not skip meals as you will eat more later on to make up for it. Eating breakfast also helps with portion control as it stabilizes your blood sugar so you will feel less like snacking.
Compatible foods
Nuts are high in both protein and calories, this is a good thing as the protein will give you the energy to burn calories, so they complement each other. Peanut butter on an apple will also give you the same effect. Another guide in portion control is to eat 5 servings of vegetables and 3 servings of fruit every day; This will help to stave off our hunger pangs and prevent us from reaching out for junk food.
Maintaining portion control
The goal here should be to achieve a happy medium.This would involve a balanced amount of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats, but in smaller amounts. If we do occaisonally indulge (which is human nature), we can make up for this with more exercise. Exercise should also be incorporated along with portion control to expedite weight loss. Conventional weight loss programs can be very effective after we master the art of portion control. For some good weight loss programs please visit: http://associateguildonline.com/
Minggu, 24 Mei 2009
How to identify organic compounds from the synergistic Information of spectroscopy:
1.Mass Spectrometry (MS)
2.Infra Red (IR)
3.Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR)
4.Ultraviolet/Visible Spectroscopy
Electromagnetic Spectrum

Mass Spectrometry (MS)
- An analytical technique for measuring the mass-to-charge ratio (m/z) of ions, most commonly positive ions, in the gas phase
- Mass spectrometry is the most valuable analytical tool for the determination of precise molecular weights
A Mass Spectrometer
a) A mass spectrometer is designed to do three things
1. Convert neutral atoms or molecules into a beam of positive (or negative) ions
2. Separate the ions on the basis of their mass-to-charge ratio (m/z)
3. measure the relative abundance of each ion
b) Electron Ionization
1. in the ionization chamber, the sample is bombarded with a beam of high-energy electrons
2. collisions between these electrons and the sample result loss of electrons from sample molecules and formation of positive ions

A measure of how well a mass spectrometer separates ions of different mass
-Low resolution - capable of distinguishing among ions of different nominal mass, that is ions that differ by at least one or more mass units
-High resolution - capable of distinguishing among ions that differ in mass by as little as 0.0001 mass unit
-C3H6O and C3H8O have nominal masses of 58 and 60, and can be distinguished by low-resolution MS
-these two compounds each have nominal mass of 60. Distinguish between them by high-resolution MS
M+2 and M+1 Peaks
1. The most common elements giving rise to M + 2 peaks are chlorine and bromine
2. Chlorine in nature is 75.77% 35Cl and 24.23% 37Cl
a ratio of M to M + 2 of approximately 3:1 indicates the presence of a single chlorine in a compound
3. Bromine in nature is 50.7% 79Br and 49.3% 81Br
a ratio of M to M + 2 of approximately 1:1 indicates the presence of a single bromine in a compound
Interpreting MS
1. The only elements to give significant M + 2 peaks are Cl and Br. If no large M + 2 peak is present, these elements are absent
2. Is the mass of the molecular ion odd or even?
3. Nitrogen Rule: if a compound has
-zero or an even number of nitrogen atoms, its molecular ion will appear as a even m/z value
-an odd number of nitrogen atoms, its molecular ion will appear as an odd m/z value
MS of methylcyclopentane

Mass Molecular Ion and Isotope peaks
The unit mass of the molecular ion of C7H7NO is m/z 121 that is
7 x 12C = 84
7 x 1H = 7
1 x 14N = 14
1 x 16O = 16
Molecular species exist that contain the less abundant isotope at
And these give use to the “isotope peaks” at M + 1, M + 1, etc.
Contributing to the M + 1 peak are the isotope 13C, 2H, 15N, and 18O

Sukeki. 2008. SPECTROSCOPY . University of Lampung. Bandarlampung
1.Mass Spectrometry (MS)
2.Infra Red (IR)
3.Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR)
4.Ultraviolet/Visible Spectroscopy
Electromagnetic Spectrum

Mass Spectrometry (MS)
- An analytical technique for measuring the mass-to-charge ratio (m/z) of ions, most commonly positive ions, in the gas phase
- Mass spectrometry is the most valuable analytical tool for the determination of precise molecular weights
A Mass Spectrometer
a) A mass spectrometer is designed to do three things
1. Convert neutral atoms or molecules into a beam of positive (or negative) ions
2. Separate the ions on the basis of their mass-to-charge ratio (m/z)
3. measure the relative abundance of each ion
b) Electron Ionization
1. in the ionization chamber, the sample is bombarded with a beam of high-energy electrons
2. collisions between these electrons and the sample result loss of electrons from sample molecules and formation of positive ions

A measure of how well a mass spectrometer separates ions of different mass
-Low resolution - capable of distinguishing among ions of different nominal mass, that is ions that differ by at least one or more mass units
-High resolution - capable of distinguishing among ions that differ in mass by as little as 0.0001 mass unit
-C3H6O and C3H8O have nominal masses of 58 and 60, and can be distinguished by low-resolution MS
-these two compounds each have nominal mass of 60. Distinguish between them by high-resolution MS
M+2 and M+1 Peaks
1. The most common elements giving rise to M + 2 peaks are chlorine and bromine
2. Chlorine in nature is 75.77% 35Cl and 24.23% 37Cl
a ratio of M to M + 2 of approximately 3:1 indicates the presence of a single chlorine in a compound
3. Bromine in nature is 50.7% 79Br and 49.3% 81Br
a ratio of M to M + 2 of approximately 1:1 indicates the presence of a single bromine in a compound
Interpreting MS
1. The only elements to give significant M + 2 peaks are Cl and Br. If no large M + 2 peak is present, these elements are absent
2. Is the mass of the molecular ion odd or even?
3. Nitrogen Rule: if a compound has
-zero or an even number of nitrogen atoms, its molecular ion will appear as a even m/z value
-an odd number of nitrogen atoms, its molecular ion will appear as an odd m/z value
MS of methylcyclopentane

Mass Molecular Ion and Isotope peaks
The unit mass of the molecular ion of C7H7NO is m/z 121 that is
7 x 12C = 84
7 x 1H = 7
1 x 14N = 14
1 x 16O = 16
Molecular species exist that contain the less abundant isotope at
And these give use to the “isotope peaks” at M + 1, M + 1, etc.
Contributing to the M + 1 peak are the isotope 13C, 2H, 15N, and 18O

Sukeki. 2008. SPECTROSCOPY . University of Lampung. Bandarlampung
Kamis, 21 Mei 2009
- Acid conversion.
- Amylopectin > amylose.
Hot concentrated pastes. Gel formation on cooling. Gum candies. Decreased hot paste - viscosity.Decreased gel strength. Increased gelatinization temperature
Hydroxyethyl straches.
- Reduced gelatinization temperature. Increased rate of swelling. Lower tendency of pastes and gels to retrograde
- Hydroxy propyl starches
- Propylene oxide. Salad dressings, pie fillings, thickening
Starch phosphates - Lower gelatinization temperatureswelling in cold waterincreased paste viscositydecreased retrogradation
- Starch acetates
- inhibit association of amylose and long chains of amylopectin. Low D.S. 0.05 - 0.10 Low gelatinization temperature.Resists retrogradation after pasting and cooling
- Cross-linked starches. Diesters or links between OH groups in adjacent chains.
Uses of cross-linked starches
Stability to heat, agitation, hydrolysis, low pH. Swelling can be inhibited in hot or boiling water. Used in infant foods, pie fillings, salad dressings, stabilizers and thickeners.
Example of stabilisation
Hydroxypropylation of starch with propylene oxide
StOH + CH2-CH-CH3-------- StOCH2CHCH3
Hydroxypropylation of starch with propylene oxide
StOH + CH2-CH-CH3-------- StOCH2CHCH3OH
Yenni.2009.PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY OF PLANT FOOD.Lampung University. Bandarlampung DERIVED OH
- Acid conversion.
- Amylopectin > amylose.
Hot concentrated pastes. Gel formation on cooling. Gum candies. Decreased hot paste - viscosity.Decreased gel strength. Increased gelatinization temperature
Hydroxyethyl straches.
- Reduced gelatinization temperature. Increased rate of swelling. Lower tendency of pastes and gels to retrograde
- Hydroxy propyl starches
- Propylene oxide. Salad dressings, pie fillings, thickening
Starch phosphates - Lower gelatinization temperatureswelling in cold waterincreased paste viscositydecreased retrogradation
- Starch acetates
- inhibit association of amylose and long chains of amylopectin. Low D.S. 0.05 - 0.10 Low gelatinization temperature.Resists retrogradation after pasting and cooling
- Cross-linked starches. Diesters or links between OH groups in adjacent chains.
Uses of cross-linked starches
Stability to heat, agitation, hydrolysis, low pH. Swelling can be inhibited in hot or boiling water. Used in infant foods, pie fillings, salad dressings, stabilizers and thickeners.
Example of stabilisation
Hydroxypropylation of starch with propylene oxide
StOH + CH2-CH-CH3-------- StOCH2CHCH3
Hydroxypropylation of starch with propylene oxide
StOH + CH2-CH-CH3-------- StOCH2CHCH3OH
Yenni.2009.PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY OF PLANT FOOD.Lampung University. Bandarlampung DERIVED OH
Selasa, 19 Mei 2009
The food industry today
1. extend period during which a food remains wholesome (shelf life), by preservation techniques which inhibit m.o. or biochemical changes --- allow time for distribution, sales and home storage
2. increase variety in the diet
3. provide the nutrients required for health
4. generate income for the company
1. A matter of life or death
-Whether it’s a raw materials or finished product we can contaminate it
-It is important that we handle food as little as possible
2. The consequenses of poor food handling
-Food poisoning
-Food spoilage
-Foreign body contamination
3. All of which can lead to ……
-Costumer complaints
-Lost consumer
-Lost sales
4. And in extreme cases to …..
-Factory closure
-Lost jobs
1. Bacteria ARE everywhere
-It is warm and moist
-There is food
-There is unclean equipment
-There are people, insects and animals
-There is time available
2. How do we control them
-Cooking food to required temperature
-Cleaning and sanitising the processing area
3. How do we stop the spread of bacteria?
-Separating raw and cooked foods
-Good personal hygiene
-Cooling and Storing processed food immediately to below 5 C
1. Where do they come from?
-From ourselves
-The raw materials
-The machines and equipment we use
2.What are the common examples?
-Glass and metal
1. A growing interest in and appreciation of a large group of rural poor who depend on these crops for their basic calories.
2. Increased population growth, and the relative rise in the prices of fossil-based energy have contributed a great deal to interest in root crops as source of food and energy
3. World food shortages, and the ever-increasing need to explore new frontiers in order to alleviate world hunger.
1.They are rich in starch and calories
2.They grow well in a wide range of soil types as long as there is adequate rainfall
3.They require relatively little care in terms of labour and other inputs used in their production.
1. They are low in protein and oil.
2. Their awkward shapes and large size make them prone to bruising in transit and secondary infection by micro-organisms
3. They are bulky to handle in trade, marketing, and storage due to their high moisture content.
1. extend period during which a food remains wholesome (shelf life), by preservation techniques which inhibit m.o. or biochemical changes --- allow time for distribution, sales and home storage
2. increase variety in the diet
3. provide the nutrients required for health
4. generate income for the company
1. A matter of life or death
-Whether it’s a raw materials or finished product we can contaminate it
-It is important that we handle food as little as possible
2. The consequenses of poor food handling
-Food poisoning
-Food spoilage
-Foreign body contamination
3. All of which can lead to ……
-Costumer complaints
-Lost consumer
-Lost sales
4. And in extreme cases to …..
-Factory closure
-Lost jobs
1. Bacteria ARE everywhere
-It is warm and moist
-There is food
-There is unclean equipment
-There are people, insects and animals
-There is time available
2. How do we control them
-Cooking food to required temperature
-Cleaning and sanitising the processing area
3. How do we stop the spread of bacteria?
-Separating raw and cooked foods
-Good personal hygiene
-Cooling and Storing processed food immediately to below 5 C
1. Where do they come from?
-From ourselves
-The raw materials
-The machines and equipment we use
2.What are the common examples?
-Glass and metal
1. A growing interest in and appreciation of a large group of rural poor who depend on these crops for their basic calories.
2. Increased population growth, and the relative rise in the prices of fossil-based energy have contributed a great deal to interest in root crops as source of food and energy
3. World food shortages, and the ever-increasing need to explore new frontiers in order to alleviate world hunger.
1.They are rich in starch and calories
2.They grow well in a wide range of soil types as long as there is adequate rainfall
3.They require relatively little care in terms of labour and other inputs used in their production.
1. They are low in protein and oil.
2. Their awkward shapes and large size make them prone to bruising in transit and secondary infection by micro-organisms
3. They are bulky to handle in trade, marketing, and storage due to their high moisture content.
Senin, 18 Mei 2009
Milk of soybean is a soybean extract with the way the seeds of soybeans in hot or cool water (Hermana, 1985). Milk including soy beverages are old in age, derived from the Chinese in the tenth century BC-2 and then developed in Japan and after the war to the world-II to begin developing countries of ASEAN. Akan development in Indonesia, but less so brisk, the drink "softdrink" a low nutritious grown rapidly (Winarno 1995).
Milk of soya contains nutrient composition of both substances. Milk nutrient composition of soybean nutrient composition almost equal cow milk.
View from the womb of nutrient , milk of soybean can be used as baby food because womb protein good enough. According to the results of research, the quality of soybean protein milk if given as a single food is 80% of cow milk protein. Thus, for five of malnutrition with milk of soya drink two glasses per day to meet 30% requirement of protein (Santoso, 1994).
Milk quality protein in soybean with almost the same quality of protein in cow milk. For example, protein efficiency ratio (PER) is 2.3 soybean milk, milk of cow while PER is 2.5. PER 2.3 means that each gram of protein consumed will increase the weight on the experimental animal (white rat) is 2.3 grams in the standard experimental conditions. Milk of soya contains provitamin A is high (243 mg/100 g) and vitamin B complex, expect B12. milk of soya have lower contents of calcium that is only 18% of the cow milk Winarno, 1995).
milk of soya minerals the womb (especially calcium) less compared to the cow milk. Therefore, the addition or fortifications of minerals and vitamins are often carried out by the industry that produces soybean milk (Winarno, 1995).
Lactose of cow milk successful up to the large intestine will be digested by intestinal microbes. As a result, they are not tolerant of laktosa akan suffer diarrhea every time cosumption of cow milk. Incident usually occurs in adults who do not drink it susu and generally come from Asia, Africa, and latin american. (sediaoetama, 1993).
For five years, two glass of soy milk can meet the needs of 30% protein in a day. Amino acid composition in soybean protein milk if compared with the cattle is the number of amino acid metionin and sistein fewer. However, the soybean has milk womb lisin amino acid that is high enough. In general, soybeans have milk of womb riboflavin, niasin, piridoksin, and the other B vitamins are high, and vitamin E, and vitamin K (Suhardjo, 1992).
Total of carbohydrate in the soy milk, only 12-14%, which can be used by the biological body. Carbohydrate consists of the oligosakarida and polisakarida. Oligosakarida Group consists of sukrosa, stakiosa, and raffinosa that dissolves in water. While the polisakarida of erabinogalaktan and cellulose materials that are not soluble in water and alcohol, and can not be digested (Santoso, 1994).
According Koswara (1991) If made in a manner that is less good, still suspected milk of soya-containing compound of antinutrient and cause off-flavor (taste and room of flavor in processed soybean products), which comes from raw materials soybean itself. Compound of antinutrient are antitripsin, hemaglutinin, fitat acid, and oligosakarida causes flatulensi (the occurrence of gas in the stomach so the stomach into mag). While the compound causes off-flavor in soybean glukosida for example, saponin, estrogen, and compound causes allergies. In the making of soy milk, compound must be removed so that the soybean milk with a good quality and safe for consumption.
Departemen Kesehatan RI. 1988. Peraturan Mentri Keseharan Republik Indinesia No. 722/MENKES PER/IX/88 Tentang Bahan Tambahan Makanan. Jakarta.
Hermana, 1985. Pengolahan Kedelai Menjadi Berbagai Bahan Makanan. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Tanaman. Bogor.
Koswara, 1991. Teknologi Pengolahan Kedelai. Pustaka Sinar Harapan. Jakarta.
Messina, MJ. 1999. Legumes and Soybeans: Overview of Their Nutritional Profile and Health Effects. Am. J. Clin. Nutr.
Sedioaoetama, A.D. 1993. Ilmu Gizi Jilid I. Dian Rakyat. Jakarta.
Suprapto, H.S. 1988. Bertanam Kedelai. P.T. Penebar Swadaya. Jakarta.
Tri Radiyati et.al. pengolahan kedelai. Subang: BPTTG Puslitbang Fisika
Terapan – LIPI, 1992. Hal. 15
Winarno, F.G. Kimia Pangan dan Gizi. Gramedia. Jakarta.
Wisnu Cahyadi, Ir., M.Si. 2003. Pemanfaatan Susu Kedelai. Dosen Jurusan Teknologi Pangan, FT Unpas Bandung. Mahasiswa Program Doktor ITB.
Milk of soya contains nutrient composition of both substances. Milk nutrient composition of soybean nutrient composition almost equal cow milk.
View from the womb of nutrient , milk of soybean can be used as baby food because womb protein good enough. According to the results of research, the quality of soybean protein milk if given as a single food is 80% of cow milk protein. Thus, for five of malnutrition with milk of soya drink two glasses per day to meet 30% requirement of protein (Santoso, 1994).
Milk quality protein in soybean with almost the same quality of protein in cow milk. For example, protein efficiency ratio (PER) is 2.3 soybean milk, milk of cow while PER is 2.5. PER 2.3 means that each gram of protein consumed will increase the weight on the experimental animal (white rat) is 2.3 grams in the standard experimental conditions. Milk of soya contains provitamin A is high (243 mg/100 g) and vitamin B complex, expect B12. milk of soya have lower contents of calcium that is only 18% of the cow milk Winarno, 1995).
milk of soya minerals the womb (especially calcium) less compared to the cow milk. Therefore, the addition or fortifications of minerals and vitamins are often carried out by the industry that produces soybean milk (Winarno, 1995).
Lactose of cow milk successful up to the large intestine will be digested by intestinal microbes. As a result, they are not tolerant of laktosa akan suffer diarrhea every time cosumption of cow milk. Incident usually occurs in adults who do not drink it susu and generally come from Asia, Africa, and latin american. (sediaoetama, 1993).
For five years, two glass of soy milk can meet the needs of 30% protein in a day. Amino acid composition in soybean protein milk if compared with the cattle is the number of amino acid metionin and sistein fewer. However, the soybean has milk womb lisin amino acid that is high enough. In general, soybeans have milk of womb riboflavin, niasin, piridoksin, and the other B vitamins are high, and vitamin E, and vitamin K (Suhardjo, 1992).
Total of carbohydrate in the soy milk, only 12-14%, which can be used by the biological body. Carbohydrate consists of the oligosakarida and polisakarida. Oligosakarida Group consists of sukrosa, stakiosa, and raffinosa that dissolves in water. While the polisakarida of erabinogalaktan and cellulose materials that are not soluble in water and alcohol, and can not be digested (Santoso, 1994).
According Koswara (1991) If made in a manner that is less good, still suspected milk of soya-containing compound of antinutrient and cause off-flavor (taste and room of flavor in processed soybean products), which comes from raw materials soybean itself. Compound of antinutrient are antitripsin, hemaglutinin, fitat acid, and oligosakarida causes flatulensi (the occurrence of gas in the stomach so the stomach into mag). While the compound causes off-flavor in soybean glukosida for example, saponin, estrogen, and compound causes allergies. In the making of soy milk, compound must be removed so that the soybean milk with a good quality and safe for consumption.
Departemen Kesehatan RI. 1988. Peraturan Mentri Keseharan Republik Indinesia No. 722/MENKES PER/IX/88 Tentang Bahan Tambahan Makanan. Jakarta.
Hermana, 1985. Pengolahan Kedelai Menjadi Berbagai Bahan Makanan. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Tanaman. Bogor.
Koswara, 1991. Teknologi Pengolahan Kedelai. Pustaka Sinar Harapan. Jakarta.
Messina, MJ. 1999. Legumes and Soybeans: Overview of Their Nutritional Profile and Health Effects. Am. J. Clin. Nutr.
Sedioaoetama, A.D. 1993. Ilmu Gizi Jilid I. Dian Rakyat. Jakarta.
Suprapto, H.S. 1988. Bertanam Kedelai. P.T. Penebar Swadaya. Jakarta.
Tri Radiyati et.al. pengolahan kedelai. Subang: BPTTG Puslitbang Fisika
Terapan – LIPI, 1992. Hal. 15
Winarno, F.G. Kimia Pangan dan Gizi. Gramedia. Jakarta.
Wisnu Cahyadi, Ir., M.Si. 2003. Pemanfaatan Susu Kedelai. Dosen Jurusan Teknologi Pangan, FT Unpas Bandung. Mahasiswa Program Doktor ITB.
Kamis, 07 Mei 2009
Chilling injury:
-Symptoms include
-surface discoloration, dull or smokey colour,
-subepidermal tissues reveal dark-brown streaks,
-failure to ripen,
-flesh browning.
Chilling injury results from exposing bananas to temperatures below 13°C (56°F) for a few hours to a few days, depending on cultivar, maturity, and temperature

Mechanical injury :
A disorder caused by mechanical impact applied to the tissue
Impact bruising . Dropping of bananas may induce browning of the flesh without damage to the skin.

Handout horticulture technology Departemen Of Postharvest Technology Lampung University by : Dr.Ir Siti Nurjanah
-Symptoms include
-surface discoloration, dull or smokey colour,
-subepidermal tissues reveal dark-brown streaks,
-failure to ripen,
-flesh browning.
Chilling injury results from exposing bananas to temperatures below 13°C (56°F) for a few hours to a few days, depending on cultivar, maturity, and temperature

Mechanical injury :
A disorder caused by mechanical impact applied to the tissue
Impact bruising . Dropping of bananas may induce browning of the flesh without damage to the skin.

Handout horticulture technology Departemen Of Postharvest Technology Lampung University by : Dr.Ir Siti Nurjanah
Selasa, 05 Mei 2009
Minggu, 03 Mei 2009
Spices - is an ingredient of agricultural products that have economic value is very high. Indonesia has long been known as spices - the main ingredient of the world. Spices - spices have chemical and mineral contents are different from other agricultural products, so that the spices - spice export the product to be very attractive by all countries. Spices - spices can be exported in processed form that is packed in plastic bottles or also in the form that has not been processed. In general, spices - lots of spices are used as additional material or food for example is penyedap cinnamon and vanilla. Spices - spices can also be used as basic material products - beauty products and can also be used as a treatment material, such as ginger and turmeric (Anonymous, 2009).
Now with advances in technology that the rapid, often times we temuikan product - processed spice products in the market. Product spice - spice powder processed in the form of ginger can be in the form IM, IM coriander, cumin IM, IM cayenne, nutmeg seed IM, insatan turmeric, cinnamon powder and pepper finely. Meanwhile, in the form of trade can be a nutmeg paste and liquid in the form of vanilla may be a liquid.
The Spices
Spice - spice aromatic plant is a single product or mixture of materials without any additional or no volatil separated and used for aroma and taste menembah (flavoring), spices (seasoning), but not menembah good nutrition food in the form of intact, broken or powdered. Spice - spice is komponene plants or vegetables that can be eaten dried which is capable of menembah flavor and taste of food. Most of the smell fragrant, aromatic, and pugent. Spices - spices can come from rimpang such as ginger and ginger, sweet skin, such as skin, such as bay leaves and basil, flowers such as cloves, selendri such as seeds, tubers, such as onion and garlic and other - other (Tirza Hanum, 2009).
The Nature and Purposes of Spices
Basically spices - many spices used as food additive or flavor memeperbaiki the taste of food, taste warm, bitter, menajamkan and refreshing taste and flavor as the food tastes pengundang. Besides functionality, and spices - spices can also digunakn as antioxidants and as a preservative. Katif components in spices - the spices pengawer useful as, among others, are on the atsiri oil of cloves is eugenol, curcumin in turmeric and garlic allisin on the whole can prevent the growth of microorganisms. As antioxidants spices - spices can prevent ketengikan oil, fat, frozen meat, and oil in water emulsion (Tirza Hanum, 2009).
1) Sweet Skin
Sweet skin or better known by the name of a less appropriate cinnamon (Cinnamomum verum, synonym C. zeylanicum) is a kind of tree spices. Included in the type of spice that is very heavily, sweet and spicy. People usually use the spices to the food that is burned in the sweet, hot wine. Dry skin in the plant Cinnamomum trade in Indonesia, known as cassiavera or cinnamon. Cassiavera is generally produced from C. Burmani West Sumatra is a major cassiavera in the World. In international trade, cassiavera known as kancci or Padang Padang Cassiavera ex. Cassiavera contain oil atsiri of the skin in part (phloem). In addition cassiavera also contain benzoat and salisilat compound that can prevent the growth of microbes. Cassiavera dry processing is done by farmers Cinnamomum secaratradisional using the methods and tools simple. To obtain cassiavera be paring dry skin, pemeraman, erosion, and drying (Anonymous, 2001).
2) coriander
Coriander (Coriandrum sativum), perhaps originating from southern Europe. The form of a small seed of 1 to 2 millimeter. Similar to pepper seeds, but smaller and darker. In addition, feel and do not contain more light from the pepper. Various types of traditional Indonesian cuisine often uses ingredients such as bean-shaped grain of hardware called coriander. With the additional flavor, the aroma cuisine akan more nyata.Tak only bijinya are often used in cooking. Leaves the compound, such as celery is often sliced thin and used in cooking, such as topping the soup and salad special Thailand. In that country, given the name coriander phak chee. Same with bijinya, coriander leaves are also heavily sharp. Benefits that are taken from from the coriander leaves, seeds, and fruit. From all parts of the uterus, there is a sabinene, myrcene, a-terpinene, ocimene, linalool, geraniol, dekanal, desilaldehide, trantridecen, petroselinat acid, oktadasenat acid, d-mannite, skopoletin, p-simena, kamfena, and felandren (Siswono, 2003).
Now with advances in technology that the rapid, often times we temuikan product - processed spice products in the market. Product spice - spice powder processed in the form of ginger can be in the form IM, IM coriander, cumin IM, IM cayenne, nutmeg seed IM, insatan turmeric, cinnamon powder and pepper finely. Meanwhile, in the form of trade can be a nutmeg paste and liquid in the form of vanilla may be a liquid.
The Spices
Spice - spice aromatic plant is a single product or mixture of materials without any additional or no volatil separated and used for aroma and taste menembah (flavoring), spices (seasoning), but not menembah good nutrition food in the form of intact, broken or powdered. Spice - spice is komponene plants or vegetables that can be eaten dried which is capable of menembah flavor and taste of food. Most of the smell fragrant, aromatic, and pugent. Spices - spices can come from rimpang such as ginger and ginger, sweet skin, such as skin, such as bay leaves and basil, flowers such as cloves, selendri such as seeds, tubers, such as onion and garlic and other - other (Tirza Hanum, 2009).
The Nature and Purposes of Spices
Basically spices - many spices used as food additive or flavor memeperbaiki the taste of food, taste warm, bitter, menajamkan and refreshing taste and flavor as the food tastes pengundang. Besides functionality, and spices - spices can also digunakn as antioxidants and as a preservative. Katif components in spices - the spices pengawer useful as, among others, are on the atsiri oil of cloves is eugenol, curcumin in turmeric and garlic allisin on the whole can prevent the growth of microorganisms. As antioxidants spices - spices can prevent ketengikan oil, fat, frozen meat, and oil in water emulsion (Tirza Hanum, 2009).
1) Sweet Skin
Sweet skin or better known by the name of a less appropriate cinnamon (Cinnamomum verum, synonym C. zeylanicum) is a kind of tree spices. Included in the type of spice that is very heavily, sweet and spicy. People usually use the spices to the food that is burned in the sweet, hot wine. Dry skin in the plant Cinnamomum trade in Indonesia, known as cassiavera or cinnamon. Cassiavera is generally produced from C. Burmani West Sumatra is a major cassiavera in the World. In international trade, cassiavera known as kancci or Padang Padang Cassiavera ex. Cassiavera contain oil atsiri of the skin in part (phloem). In addition cassiavera also contain benzoat and salisilat compound that can prevent the growth of microbes. Cassiavera dry processing is done by farmers Cinnamomum secaratradisional using the methods and tools simple. To obtain cassiavera be paring dry skin, pemeraman, erosion, and drying (Anonymous, 2001).
2) coriander
Coriander (Coriandrum sativum), perhaps originating from southern Europe. The form of a small seed of 1 to 2 millimeter. Similar to pepper seeds, but smaller and darker. In addition, feel and do not contain more light from the pepper. Various types of traditional Indonesian cuisine often uses ingredients such as bean-shaped grain of hardware called coriander. With the additional flavor, the aroma cuisine akan more nyata.Tak only bijinya are often used in cooking. Leaves the compound, such as celery is often sliced thin and used in cooking, such as topping the soup and salad special Thailand. In that country, given the name coriander phak chee. Same with bijinya, coriander leaves are also heavily sharp. Benefits that are taken from from the coriander leaves, seeds, and fruit. From all parts of the uterus, there is a sabinene, myrcene, a-terpinene, ocimene, linalool, geraniol, dekanal, desilaldehide, trantridecen, petroselinat acid, oktadasenat acid, d-mannite, skopoletin, p-simena, kamfena, and felandren (Siswono, 2003).
3) Pala
Besides the spices, nutmeg plants also function as a producer of oil atsiri many industi used in canning, beverage and cosmetics. Stem / wood nutmeg tree is called "jimf" only be used as firewood. Stem bark and leaf plant produces nutmeg oil atsiri Fuli object is to wrap the seeds of nutmeg-shaped nutmeg like webbing, called a "mace". Mace is in the form of dry lots sold in the country. Nutmeg seed is never used by the indigenous people as rempahrempah. Nutmeg can indeed alleviate all pain and soreness caused by the cold and flu in the stomach and intestine. Nutmeg seed is very good medicine for the digestive upset, and other drug-muntahmuntah others. Nutmeg meat is very good and very tune by the public if it has to be processed snacks, such as pickle nutmeg, candied nutmeg, marmelade, jelly nutmeg, crystal meat nutmeg (Sunanto, 1993).
4) Vanili
Vanilla (Vanilla planifolia) is a plant of the usual vanilla powder is made pengharum food. Powder is produced from the podded fruit. Vanilla plant was first recognized by the Indian in Mexico, the plant origin tersebut.Produk vanilla Indonesia exported still podded dried. Vanilla flavor used in many industrial food / beverage, pharmaceutical and cosmetics. In industrial food / drink is generally used in the form of extracts, pharmaceutical purposes in the form of tincture and to perfume in the form of tinctuce or absolute. For direct consumption in the household is generally in the form of whole or powdered. Use is directly mixed into food or drink. Dried vanilla pod can be further processed into oleoresin extract, which is outside the country
much. Export in the form of vanilla oleoresin is more profitable
because it does not require a great place in the packaging and
pengangkutannya and selling higher value. Another form of profit
oleoresin compared to the original form is: 1) free from contamination
microorganisms, 2) levels have a stronger flavor than
original material, and 3) more easily in the process of mixing in
food processing (Endang, 2007).
5) Ginger
Herb, erect, about 30-60 cm high. Pseudo-stem, grooved, green. Single leaf, bottle green. Lancet-shaped leaf blade, flat edge, spike, and pangkalnya blunt. Long leaves approximately 20-40 cm width and approximately 2-4 cm. Compound flower-shaped ear, stalk
perbungaan length approximately 25 cm, red-green. Sheath tubular, three-pronged. Funnel-shaped flowers crown length. 2 - 2.5 cm, purple. Fruit box-shaped rounded to rounded long, brown. Rounded black seeds. Fibrous roots, dirty white. Rimpangnya ramify, thick and quite broad (no astigmatism), pale yellow. Rimpang stringy part in the robust, young yellow with pink tip. Rimpang characteristic smell, and
refreshing, spicy taste. Rimpang contains ginger oil atsiri consisting of a compound-compound seskuiterpen, zingiberen, zingeron, oleoresin, kamfena, limonen, borneol, sineol, sitral, zingiberal, felandren. Besides, there are also starch, resin, acid-organic acid such as acid malat and oksalat acid, Vitamin A, B, and C, and senyawasenyawa flavonoid and polifenol (Ikhsan, 2009).
6) cumin
Caraway white (Cuminum cyminum) is a flowering plant of the Apiaceae family that came from the eastern Mediterranean Sea to the eastern part of India. This plant is a plant with annual terna shaped fork with a slender stem 20-30 cm high. Leaves 5-10 cm long, shaped menyirip or duplex menyirip and have children, such as leaf thread. Flowers small, white or pink, and bergerombol on payungan interest. Longkah is a fruit (achene) reel or oval with a lateral length of 4-5 mm and contains one seed. Caraway seeds and white similar to fennel seeds, but smaller and darker. Caraway white common ingredient used as a kitchen on a number of Indonesian food, mainly from Sumatra, Bali and Sulawesi. Aromanya strong and spicy effect. In Thailand, known as yeera (from the Hindi name gheera), in Malaysia called caraway white, and in English literature called cumin. White caraway seeds sold in the form of a dry (such as rice-shaped aft) brown young.
Now that a lot of tradition Boga use, ranging from Greece, Europe, South Asia, Southeast Asia and East, to the United States. Mexican cuisine is known caraway wear white often enough. The use of caraway and white that is most known as a curry spice blend (Anonymous, 2009).
7) red chilli
Chili or cayenne pepper or chili (Java language) is the fruit and plants, members of the genus Capsicum. Fruit can be classified as vegetables and spices, depending on how used. As a spice, fruit, spicy chili that is very popular in Southeast Asia as a brace taste of food. Chili or chili included in the tribe-terongan eggplant (Solanaceae) and is a plant that is easy to be planted in low or high in plateau. Chili plants contain many vitamins A and C and contain oil atsiri capsaicin, which causes a sense gives a warm, spicy and hot when used for spices (spice kitchen). Chili can easily be planted so that it can be used for daily needs without having to buy in the market (Anonymous, 2009).
8) Curcumin
Turmeric plants grow fork with 40-100 cm high. Stem is a pseudo-stem, upright, rounded, shape rimpang with the colors green and composed of pelepah leaves (slightly soft). Leaves a single, rounded form of eggs (lancet) to 10-40 cm aft, 8-12,5 cm wide and pertulangan menyirip with pale green. Compound bearing a blond and scaly from the pseudo-stem shoots, 10-15 cm long with a crown of about 3 cm wide and 1.5 cm, white / colors. End of the base and tapering leaves, leaves a flat edge. Rimpang epidermis brownish orange color, orange red fruit flesh yellowish. In the area of Java, turmeric herb widely used as herbal medicine for soothing nutritious, clean, dry out, the itching, and healing sleep. Main benefits of the turmeric plant, namely: as a traditional medicine, herbal medicine industry of raw materials and cosmetics, cooking ingredient materials, livestock etc.. In addition rimpang turmeric plant is also useful as anti inflamasi, oksidan anti, anti-microbe, cancer prevention, anti-tumor, and decrease the degree of fat and blood cholesterol, and blood cleanser as (Darwis, 1991).
9) Pepper
Pepper or pepper (Piper nigrum L.) is a plant of spices that come from bijinya. Lada very important component in the culinary world. In the past, the price is very high so that roam trigger European explorers to monopolize the pepper and colonization history of Africa, Asia, and America. In Indonesia, especially pepper produced in Bangka Island. Pepper dried before use after the first removed from the skin. Pepper called sahang in Banjar (bjn). Pepper commonly used in food additive to provide a sense of spicy nature, generally in the soup mix sauce dagingatau (Anonymous, 2009).
Besides the spices, nutmeg plants also function as a producer of oil atsiri many industi used in canning, beverage and cosmetics. Stem / wood nutmeg tree is called "jimf" only be used as firewood. Stem bark and leaf plant produces nutmeg oil atsiri Fuli object is to wrap the seeds of nutmeg-shaped nutmeg like webbing, called a "mace". Mace is in the form of dry lots sold in the country. Nutmeg seed is never used by the indigenous people as rempahrempah. Nutmeg can indeed alleviate all pain and soreness caused by the cold and flu in the stomach and intestine. Nutmeg seed is very good medicine for the digestive upset, and other drug-muntahmuntah others. Nutmeg meat is very good and very tune by the public if it has to be processed snacks, such as pickle nutmeg, candied nutmeg, marmelade, jelly nutmeg, crystal meat nutmeg (Sunanto, 1993).
4) Vanili
Vanilla (Vanilla planifolia) is a plant of the usual vanilla powder is made pengharum food. Powder is produced from the podded fruit. Vanilla plant was first recognized by the Indian in Mexico, the plant origin tersebut.Produk vanilla Indonesia exported still podded dried. Vanilla flavor used in many industrial food / beverage, pharmaceutical and cosmetics. In industrial food / drink is generally used in the form of extracts, pharmaceutical purposes in the form of tincture and to perfume in the form of tinctuce or absolute. For direct consumption in the household is generally in the form of whole or powdered. Use is directly mixed into food or drink. Dried vanilla pod can be further processed into oleoresin extract, which is outside the country
much. Export in the form of vanilla oleoresin is more profitable
because it does not require a great place in the packaging and
pengangkutannya and selling higher value. Another form of profit
oleoresin compared to the original form is: 1) free from contamination
microorganisms, 2) levels have a stronger flavor than
original material, and 3) more easily in the process of mixing in
food processing (Endang, 2007).
5) Ginger
Herb, erect, about 30-60 cm high. Pseudo-stem, grooved, green. Single leaf, bottle green. Lancet-shaped leaf blade, flat edge, spike, and pangkalnya blunt. Long leaves approximately 20-40 cm width and approximately 2-4 cm. Compound flower-shaped ear, stalk
perbungaan length approximately 25 cm, red-green. Sheath tubular, three-pronged. Funnel-shaped flowers crown length. 2 - 2.5 cm, purple. Fruit box-shaped rounded to rounded long, brown. Rounded black seeds. Fibrous roots, dirty white. Rimpangnya ramify, thick and quite broad (no astigmatism), pale yellow. Rimpang stringy part in the robust, young yellow with pink tip. Rimpang characteristic smell, and
refreshing, spicy taste. Rimpang contains ginger oil atsiri consisting of a compound-compound seskuiterpen, zingiberen, zingeron, oleoresin, kamfena, limonen, borneol, sineol, sitral, zingiberal, felandren. Besides, there are also starch, resin, acid-organic acid such as acid malat and oksalat acid, Vitamin A, B, and C, and senyawasenyawa flavonoid and polifenol (Ikhsan, 2009).
6) cumin
Caraway white (Cuminum cyminum) is a flowering plant of the Apiaceae family that came from the eastern Mediterranean Sea to the eastern part of India. This plant is a plant with annual terna shaped fork with a slender stem 20-30 cm high. Leaves 5-10 cm long, shaped menyirip or duplex menyirip and have children, such as leaf thread. Flowers small, white or pink, and bergerombol on payungan interest. Longkah is a fruit (achene) reel or oval with a lateral length of 4-5 mm and contains one seed. Caraway seeds and white similar to fennel seeds, but smaller and darker. Caraway white common ingredient used as a kitchen on a number of Indonesian food, mainly from Sumatra, Bali and Sulawesi. Aromanya strong and spicy effect. In Thailand, known as yeera (from the Hindi name gheera), in Malaysia called caraway white, and in English literature called cumin. White caraway seeds sold in the form of a dry (such as rice-shaped aft) brown young.
Now that a lot of tradition Boga use, ranging from Greece, Europe, South Asia, Southeast Asia and East, to the United States. Mexican cuisine is known caraway wear white often enough. The use of caraway and white that is most known as a curry spice blend (Anonymous, 2009).
7) red chilli
Chili or cayenne pepper or chili (Java language) is the fruit and plants, members of the genus Capsicum. Fruit can be classified as vegetables and spices, depending on how used. As a spice, fruit, spicy chili that is very popular in Southeast Asia as a brace taste of food. Chili or chili included in the tribe-terongan eggplant (Solanaceae) and is a plant that is easy to be planted in low or high in plateau. Chili plants contain many vitamins A and C and contain oil atsiri capsaicin, which causes a sense gives a warm, spicy and hot when used for spices (spice kitchen). Chili can easily be planted so that it can be used for daily needs without having to buy in the market (Anonymous, 2009).
8) Curcumin
Turmeric plants grow fork with 40-100 cm high. Stem is a pseudo-stem, upright, rounded, shape rimpang with the colors green and composed of pelepah leaves (slightly soft). Leaves a single, rounded form of eggs (lancet) to 10-40 cm aft, 8-12,5 cm wide and pertulangan menyirip with pale green. Compound bearing a blond and scaly from the pseudo-stem shoots, 10-15 cm long with a crown of about 3 cm wide and 1.5 cm, white / colors. End of the base and tapering leaves, leaves a flat edge. Rimpang epidermis brownish orange color, orange red fruit flesh yellowish. In the area of Java, turmeric herb widely used as herbal medicine for soothing nutritious, clean, dry out, the itching, and healing sleep. Main benefits of the turmeric plant, namely: as a traditional medicine, herbal medicine industry of raw materials and cosmetics, cooking ingredient materials, livestock etc.. In addition rimpang turmeric plant is also useful as anti inflamasi, oksidan anti, anti-microbe, cancer prevention, anti-tumor, and decrease the degree of fat and blood cholesterol, and blood cleanser as (Darwis, 1991).
9) Pepper
Pepper or pepper (Piper nigrum L.) is a plant of spices that come from bijinya. Lada very important component in the culinary world. In the past, the price is very high so that roam trigger European explorers to monopolize the pepper and colonization history of Africa, Asia, and America. In Indonesia, especially pepper produced in Bangka Island. Pepper dried before use after the first removed from the skin. Pepper called sahang in Banjar (bjn). Pepper commonly used in food additive to provide a sense of spicy nature, generally in the soup mix sauce dagingatau (Anonymous, 2009).
Handout Spice technology Departemen Of Postharvest Technology Lampung University by : Prof.Dr.Ir Tirza Hanum
The main purpose food processing is to improve the quality of food, so worthy to be eaten. However, some processing would encourage a new compound that is toksik dangerous for people. Many of the new compound form due to interactions between food components and endogenus or eksogenus or semyawa-turunannya compound, or between the compound-compound with the component from the outside, such as oxygen. Chemical degradation that occurs due to heat exposure, light, enzyme, or the other can also produce toxic compound. In the summary of some of this toxic compound that during processing will be discussed.
Monosakarida quite stable in the pH range 3 - 7. However, outside the pH, and also depends on other conditions, can be extensive changes occur. Enolisasi followed by elimination of water molecules is the dominant reaction that occurred in the acid atmosphere. Basa on the atmosphere, can also occur enolisasi, fragmentation can occur even sugar molecule followed by a secondary reaction. This reaction will be faster with the heating and with the high temperature heating. Basa on the condition, especially when accompanied with heating, simple sugar molecule to fragmentation (break carbon-carbon bonds) through the reaction retroaldol produce various karbonil a reactive compound. This reaction results in addition to the compound compound volatil also play a role in flavor compound brown. In terms of nutrition reactions that occur on the sugar, especially during the heating will reduce the availability of sugar so that the calorie value of food to be decreased. In addition, although still controversial, brown compound, which is made of a polymer, is feared to give the impact of health
the less good. Unlike monosakarida, heating polisakarida such as starch, especially in the media a lot of water is beneficial because the starch molecules into akan terhidrolisa-a small molecule, oligo-, di-or monosakarida so that the starch terhidrolisa be more easily digested by the body.
2. Protein
Basically the Maillard reaction consists of the reactions of a very complex interconnected with each other form a network process. In the
Basically, Maillard reaction is divided into three phases namely: initial, intermediet
and end. All amino acids can participate in the Maillard reaction because they have a free amino group. However, most amino acids in food is in the form of a bound on the chain and only peptida alpha amino group or terminal amino group of the side chain that can react with the cluster karbonil (karbonil generally cluster in the sugar pereduksi). However, it is clear Maillard reaction can affect the biological availability of protein (bioavailability) of protein as amino acid residues in the divider peptida residues such as ALA, arg and his akan react with sugar pereduksi form Amadori products. Have known that from the Amadori product lisin either lisin free and the bound on peptida turns 70 persennya not absorbed by the baby so it does not bioavailable.
Maillard reaction can also produce toksik compound, compound is a compound including the group amin heterosiklik known by the name imodazaquinolin (IQ) and imidazaquinoxalin (IQx). Piridin or pirazin results Maillard reaction reacts with aldehida and kreatin to form IQ and IQx. IQ and IQx compound has been identified on the roast beef, grilled chicken, fried beef and grilled sardine. Measure this compound decreases with decreasing heating temperature.
Meat and fish are heated (cooked with the heating) can contain the value heterosiklik amin ppb (part per billion). However, the new measure on the ppm (part per million) per kg body weight amin heterosiklik able to trigger tumor terbentuknya in rodents and monkeys, a rate far higher degree of aminheterosiklik of the food.
Reactions that occur in the general lipid during processing include hydrolysis, oxidation and pirolisis. Lipid oxidation is usually through the formation of free radical process that consists of three basic processes, namely: initiation, propagasi, and termination can Hidroperoksida in various positions where the double bond are, for example in the acid oleat there are 4 hidroperoksida be the top position of the peroxide can be in a position 8, 9, 10 or 11. Hidroperoksida saturated fatty acid not made because the oxidation is very stable and not easy to rupture and form a variety of flavor compound and also nonvolatil product. Decomposition hidroperoksida involving termination of cluster-OOH alkosi so radical form and radical hidroksi. Alkoksi radical termination and the beta chain in the form so that the CC aldehid and radical alkil or vinil.Oksidasi lipid addition can decrease the amount of lipid that can be digested and is available as a source of energy can also produce compound-compound radical. Compound-radical compound in food can be merged into the body and can trigger terbentuknya radical compound in the body. Compound radicals in the body to be a role in determining the process penuaan (aging), aterosklerosis and the occurrence of coronary heart disease (CHD, coronary heart disease).
1. Heterocyclic Aromatic Amines (Haas)
Haas produced from protein-rich foods processed in the normal temperature of concoction. Nagao et al (1977) is a researcher who first reported the existence of compound mutagenik against Salmonella sp / mikrosom mammals in kondensat smoke extract and burn on the meat and fish are grilled. Based on the results of observation will be further testing of the product pirolisis (> 300oC) of various protein, carbohydrate, nukleat acid, and fat using Salmonella sp. The results show that pirolisat a mutagen only come from protein. Two types of mutagen, the TRP-P-1 and TRP-P-2 has been diisolasi in the form of pure pirolisis D, L-triptopan. This compound is a compound that was first identified as a compound from the Haas pirolisis amino acid, protein and protein-rich food
Haas used in most research mutagen is grouped into two categories based on prekusor temperature and its establishment. Group 2-aminoimidazole (aminoimidaoazarens) form in the moderate temperature (optimum temperature of 190o-200oC), suspected to originate from the Maillard reaction products (pyridines and Pyrazines) and kreatinin. Example of this compound include IQ, MeIQ, MeIQx, 4.8-DiMeIQx, 7.8-DiMeIQx, and PhIP. Compound-compound is further classified into groups quinolines, quinoxalines, and pyridines. The second group, the group of 2-aminopyridine form at a temperature above 300oC from pirolisat protein. Compound of this group include a C , Me C, TRP-P-1, TRP-P-2, GLU-P-1 and LYS-P-2.
2. Premelanoidins from the Maillard Reaction
Various studies have been conducted indicate that the effect toksik from premelanoidin. Frange and Adrian (1973) found a decrease in power and Retention dissolved nitrogen in the diet of the premelanoidin. As a result, protein efficiency ratio (PER) and biological value (BV) is also decreased. About 35% nitrogen premelanoidin bated in the network. However, this data does not mean that the nitrogen premelanoidin have metabolik a useful function, because the growth rate decreased drastically experimental animals up to 20% -40%. The same researchers also found that hindered the work premelanoidin enzyme digestion.
Based on research using the spray-dried and roller-dried milk, premelanoidin also suspected to be hepatotoksik. Animal experiments that the treatment given the two types of susu in the death of each reach 40% and 60% due nekrosis heart. Maillar reaction products also cause certain allergic reactions. For example, alergenisitas solution laktoglobulin-laktosa tested reaktivitasnya on the skin shows an improvement from 1000 into 100 g / mg due to heating at a temperature of 50oC (pH 7) for 48 to 78 hours. Maillard reaction products also indicate the nature mutagenik and karsinogenik on some test toksisitas short term. N-nitroso compound that has been well recognized as karsinogen can during nitrosasi (nitrosation) Maillar specific reaction products, especially Amadori compound.
3. Hydrocarbons polisiklik aromatis (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons = PAHs)
PAHs form of combustion is not perfect organic materials. There are two main source of PAHs for humans. Most important source is the air that terpolusi used food crops in the cereal, vegetables, fruits and nuts that are a source of dihasilkannya human PAHs. Second important source of food is in the process penyangraian, evaporation, and toaster. In the food in the process of formation of PAHs is significant only when using high temperatures. At temperatures below 400o C, only a few PAHs are formed, and the amount will increase if shunya be linear up to 1000o C. Benzo [a] pyrene has been known as the active compound found in the charred materials. Karsinogen other components that also have been identified is dibenzo [a, h] anthracene, dibenzo [a, h] pyrene, dibenzo [a, i] pyrene, and benzo [b] fluroanthene. Benzo [a] pyrene is a component of most karsinogen, so much attention.
The intensive terbentuknya cause PAH. On the food that is cooked, PAHs form pirolisis of fat at a temperature above 400oC. This can occur if food or fat is exposed to charcoal or a very hot surface. Only a few techniques concoction that can cause the formation of PAHs. Establishment mechanism based on the alleged pirolisis some food components can cause terbentunya this compound. However, in most cases, the formation of the compound than fat does not happen
Toaster meat or fish over a fire caused contamination PAHs through different ways. First, the high temperature causes the formation of PHAs endogenus on the surface of the food. Second, PAHs also form from the combustion of fuel used for the toaster. Third and most importantly, the PAHs form of fat that will surface over the heat source. PAHs that pirolisis from fat spreads into the atmosphere and some live on the surface of the meat.
4. Lysinoalanine
Use alkai treatment on the process of isolat and penngolahan protein and vegetable protein for animal food production has been increasing. Alkali conditions, as has been mentioned in the beginning, can trigger the occurrence of reaction Maillaard resulting residue lisin protein can not be used. This reaction also causes other changes that are not desired, such as a decrease in power dissolved, rasemisasi and destruksi some amino acids. The process also can produce alkali derivat amino acid that is toksik in humans. Derivat example amino acid during the process that includes alkali lysinoalanine (LAL), ornithoalanine (OAL), and lanthionine.
LAL attention because this compound is suspected bersifar toksik in the kidney (neprotoksik). LAL dehidroalanin form by condensation of the epsilon amino group lisin. LAL is not the only compound that is neprotoksik that the alkali treatment. Ornithoalanine, fructoselysine, and D-serine to give the same effect with LAL in animal experiments. LAL Toksisitas and amino acid derivat that during alkali treatment of vegetable protein in humans has not been diekstrapolasi mainly because of the effects toksik not observed in animal experiments than the mouse. In addition, on the condition that only a few normal LAL that, so do not be neprotoksik. However, the formation of LAL during alkali treatment of the lower protein quality gizinya.
Desphande, S.S. 2002. Toxicants resulting From Food Processing. In Handbook of Food Toxicology. Marcel Dekker, Inc. New York. Pp 285-303.
Setiyani, Sri. Processing effects of toxic compound. 2009. Lecture material. THP UNILA.
Apriantono, Anton. 2002. Influence of Processing Cost of Food Safety and Nutrition. presented at the Seminar Online Kharisma to-2. Jakarta
Monosakarida quite stable in the pH range 3 - 7. However, outside the pH, and also depends on other conditions, can be extensive changes occur. Enolisasi followed by elimination of water molecules is the dominant reaction that occurred in the acid atmosphere. Basa on the atmosphere, can also occur enolisasi, fragmentation can occur even sugar molecule followed by a secondary reaction. This reaction will be faster with the heating and with the high temperature heating. Basa on the condition, especially when accompanied with heating, simple sugar molecule to fragmentation (break carbon-carbon bonds) through the reaction retroaldol produce various karbonil a reactive compound. This reaction results in addition to the compound compound volatil also play a role in flavor compound brown. In terms of nutrition reactions that occur on the sugar, especially during the heating will reduce the availability of sugar so that the calorie value of food to be decreased. In addition, although still controversial, brown compound, which is made of a polymer, is feared to give the impact of health
the less good. Unlike monosakarida, heating polisakarida such as starch, especially in the media a lot of water is beneficial because the starch molecules into akan terhidrolisa-a small molecule, oligo-, di-or monosakarida so that the starch terhidrolisa be more easily digested by the body.
2. Protein
Basically the Maillard reaction consists of the reactions of a very complex interconnected with each other form a network process. In the
Basically, Maillard reaction is divided into three phases namely: initial, intermediet
and end. All amino acids can participate in the Maillard reaction because they have a free amino group. However, most amino acids in food is in the form of a bound on the chain and only peptida alpha amino group or terminal amino group of the side chain that can react with the cluster karbonil (karbonil generally cluster in the sugar pereduksi). However, it is clear Maillard reaction can affect the biological availability of protein (bioavailability) of protein as amino acid residues in the divider peptida residues such as ALA, arg and his akan react with sugar pereduksi form Amadori products. Have known that from the Amadori product lisin either lisin free and the bound on peptida turns 70 persennya not absorbed by the baby so it does not bioavailable.
Maillard reaction can also produce toksik compound, compound is a compound including the group amin heterosiklik known by the name imodazaquinolin (IQ) and imidazaquinoxalin (IQx). Piridin or pirazin results Maillard reaction reacts with aldehida and kreatin to form IQ and IQx. IQ and IQx compound has been identified on the roast beef, grilled chicken, fried beef and grilled sardine. Measure this compound decreases with decreasing heating temperature.
Meat and fish are heated (cooked with the heating) can contain the value heterosiklik amin ppb (part per billion). However, the new measure on the ppm (part per million) per kg body weight amin heterosiklik able to trigger tumor terbentuknya in rodents and monkeys, a rate far higher degree of aminheterosiklik of the food.
Reactions that occur in the general lipid during processing include hydrolysis, oxidation and pirolisis. Lipid oxidation is usually through the formation of free radical process that consists of three basic processes, namely: initiation, propagasi, and termination can Hidroperoksida in various positions where the double bond are, for example in the acid oleat there are 4 hidroperoksida be the top position of the peroxide can be in a position 8, 9, 10 or 11. Hidroperoksida saturated fatty acid not made because the oxidation is very stable and not easy to rupture and form a variety of flavor compound and also nonvolatil product. Decomposition hidroperoksida involving termination of cluster-OOH alkosi so radical form and radical hidroksi. Alkoksi radical termination and the beta chain in the form so that the CC aldehid and radical alkil or vinil.Oksidasi lipid addition can decrease the amount of lipid that can be digested and is available as a source of energy can also produce compound-compound radical. Compound-radical compound in food can be merged into the body and can trigger terbentuknya radical compound in the body. Compound radicals in the body to be a role in determining the process penuaan (aging), aterosklerosis and the occurrence of coronary heart disease (CHD, coronary heart disease).
1. Heterocyclic Aromatic Amines (Haas)
Haas produced from protein-rich foods processed in the normal temperature of concoction. Nagao et al (1977) is a researcher who first reported the existence of compound mutagenik against Salmonella sp / mikrosom mammals in kondensat smoke extract and burn on the meat and fish are grilled. Based on the results of observation will be further testing of the product pirolisis (> 300oC) of various protein, carbohydrate, nukleat acid, and fat using Salmonella sp. The results show that pirolisat a mutagen only come from protein. Two types of mutagen, the TRP-P-1 and TRP-P-2 has been diisolasi in the form of pure pirolisis D, L-triptopan. This compound is a compound that was first identified as a compound from the Haas pirolisis amino acid, protein and protein-rich food
Haas used in most research mutagen is grouped into two categories based on prekusor temperature and its establishment. Group 2-aminoimidazole (aminoimidaoazarens) form in the moderate temperature (optimum temperature of 190o-200oC), suspected to originate from the Maillard reaction products (pyridines and Pyrazines) and kreatinin. Example of this compound include IQ, MeIQ, MeIQx, 4.8-DiMeIQx, 7.8-DiMeIQx, and PhIP. Compound-compound is further classified into groups quinolines, quinoxalines, and pyridines. The second group, the group of 2-aminopyridine form at a temperature above 300oC from pirolisat protein. Compound of this group include a C , Me C, TRP-P-1, TRP-P-2, GLU-P-1 and LYS-P-2.
2. Premelanoidins from the Maillard Reaction
Various studies have been conducted indicate that the effect toksik from premelanoidin. Frange and Adrian (1973) found a decrease in power and Retention dissolved nitrogen in the diet of the premelanoidin. As a result, protein efficiency ratio (PER) and biological value (BV) is also decreased. About 35% nitrogen premelanoidin bated in the network. However, this data does not mean that the nitrogen premelanoidin have metabolik a useful function, because the growth rate decreased drastically experimental animals up to 20% -40%. The same researchers also found that hindered the work premelanoidin enzyme digestion.
Based on research using the spray-dried and roller-dried milk, premelanoidin also suspected to be hepatotoksik. Animal experiments that the treatment given the two types of susu in the death of each reach 40% and 60% due nekrosis heart. Maillar reaction products also cause certain allergic reactions. For example, alergenisitas solution laktoglobulin-laktosa tested reaktivitasnya on the skin shows an improvement from 1000 into 100 g / mg due to heating at a temperature of 50oC (pH 7) for 48 to 78 hours. Maillard reaction products also indicate the nature mutagenik and karsinogenik on some test toksisitas short term. N-nitroso compound that has been well recognized as karsinogen can during nitrosasi (nitrosation) Maillar specific reaction products, especially Amadori compound.
3. Hydrocarbons polisiklik aromatis (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons = PAHs)
PAHs form of combustion is not perfect organic materials. There are two main source of PAHs for humans. Most important source is the air that terpolusi used food crops in the cereal, vegetables, fruits and nuts that are a source of dihasilkannya human PAHs. Second important source of food is in the process penyangraian, evaporation, and toaster. In the food in the process of formation of PAHs is significant only when using high temperatures. At temperatures below 400o C, only a few PAHs are formed, and the amount will increase if shunya be linear up to 1000o C. Benzo [a] pyrene has been known as the active compound found in the charred materials. Karsinogen other components that also have been identified is dibenzo [a, h] anthracene, dibenzo [a, h] pyrene, dibenzo [a, i] pyrene, and benzo [b] fluroanthene. Benzo [a] pyrene is a component of most karsinogen, so much attention.
The intensive terbentuknya cause PAH. On the food that is cooked, PAHs form pirolisis of fat at a temperature above 400oC. This can occur if food or fat is exposed to charcoal or a very hot surface. Only a few techniques concoction that can cause the formation of PAHs. Establishment mechanism based on the alleged pirolisis some food components can cause terbentunya this compound. However, in most cases, the formation of the compound than fat does not happen
Toaster meat or fish over a fire caused contamination PAHs through different ways. First, the high temperature causes the formation of PHAs endogenus on the surface of the food. Second, PAHs also form from the combustion of fuel used for the toaster. Third and most importantly, the PAHs form of fat that will surface over the heat source. PAHs that pirolisis from fat spreads into the atmosphere and some live on the surface of the meat.
4. Lysinoalanine
Use alkai treatment on the process of isolat and penngolahan protein and vegetable protein for animal food production has been increasing. Alkali conditions, as has been mentioned in the beginning, can trigger the occurrence of reaction Maillaard resulting residue lisin protein can not be used. This reaction also causes other changes that are not desired, such as a decrease in power dissolved, rasemisasi and destruksi some amino acids. The process also can produce alkali derivat amino acid that is toksik in humans. Derivat example amino acid during the process that includes alkali lysinoalanine (LAL), ornithoalanine (OAL), and lanthionine.
LAL attention because this compound is suspected bersifar toksik in the kidney (neprotoksik). LAL dehidroalanin form by condensation of the epsilon amino group lisin. LAL is not the only compound that is neprotoksik that the alkali treatment. Ornithoalanine, fructoselysine, and D-serine to give the same effect with LAL in animal experiments. LAL Toksisitas and amino acid derivat that during alkali treatment of vegetable protein in humans has not been diekstrapolasi mainly because of the effects toksik not observed in animal experiments than the mouse. In addition, on the condition that only a few normal LAL that, so do not be neprotoksik. However, the formation of LAL during alkali treatment of the lower protein quality gizinya.
Desphande, S.S. 2002. Toxicants resulting From Food Processing. In Handbook of Food Toxicology. Marcel Dekker, Inc. New York. Pp 285-303.
Setiyani, Sri. Processing effects of toxic compound. 2009. Lecture material. THP UNILA.
Apriantono, Anton. 2002. Influence of Processing Cost of Food Safety and Nutrition. presented at the Seminar Online Kharisma to-2. Jakarta
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