In general, the fruit will only occur after pollination and fertilization of flowers. However the form may also have tanpan pollination and fertilization. Current terbentuknya fruit that is called: partenokarpi (parthenocarpy). The occurrence of fruit in this way does not usually contain the seeds, or if there bijinya, does not contain the seeds of the institution, so can not be bijinya Maintenance tool. The formation of fruit in this manner we commonly find on the banana tree (Musa paradisiaca L.). Given the description above, the fruit on the plants can generally be distinguished in two groups, namely: a. fruit or quasi-closed, if the fruit will form from the fruit along with parts of another flower on it, which is the main fruit is the (larger, more interesting concern, and the fruit is often useful, can be eaten), while fruit Indeed, the sometimes hidden. b. fruit naked or indeed, that will always happen from the fruit, and if you have the interest of the living part is the part this does not mean the fruit. Each type of fruit that have a chemical order is different and contains vitamin that vary both the type and amount. Humans consume fruits in order to obtain additional vitamin for the body. Many of the needed vitamin the body can be classified into six types of carbohydrate that is a function to provide energy, protein for growth and function of the network, the function of fat to provide energy, vitamins that function to set up processes in the body, minerals that work to set up a process -process in the body, and water needed for the process-during the process in the body. Vitamin in the fruits contain a lot of property for the health body. One area of research is the most developed of the vitamin and mineral competitor cancer, he explained karoten beta, vitamin E, vitamin C, and mineral selenium. Results from a large study of more than 30,000 people in China showed that people who eat the nutrients each day over a period of five years have a lower risk of 13 percent for death due to cancer than people who do not eat these nutrients. Indonesian region is fertile with a suitable climate for growing fruit trees protruding. Thus, in Indonesia there are many types of fruit. Fruit is a product of agricultural products that can be consumed directly or processed into other products. Fruits have a womb that is high enough because the commodity is quickly damaged. Damage-the damage may lead to decrease in consumption of fruits. Therefore, the treatment need to be more of the commodity fruit. Further treatment can be done, among others, is to fermentation. Fermentation is a way of drying beside the oldest man practiced for the purpose of preservation and processing of food. Food terfermentasi product or activity is the result of the various species of bacteria, and leavened kapang. Various research results have been successfully revealed that the fermentation of food materials will have physical and chemical changes that benefit such as flavor and aroma terbentuknya the preferred. Making Nata De Coco Products 1. Introduction Nata de coco berasak from spain language, which means swimming. The word is derived from the latin word that means the float. Meanwhile, according to the universal encyclopedia allustrade in Abraham (1994). Nata de coco is a layer of white berwaran buff who grew dipermukaan media and coconut water is the result of the fermentation bacteria Acetobacter Xylinum. Nata product can be made from materials such as coconut, pineapple extract and other fruit essence. Nata quality according to the Department of Quality Control PT. GGPC (2000 in situngkil 2001) have a bright white color of normal (not sour). Chewy texture, and there are no microbes or bacteria contamination. Nata de coco coconut water is made of old, which resulted from the activities of some bacteria that ditumbuhkan to dalamam is coconut water. The bacteria used to make nata de coco is leuconostoc mesenteroides (Alaban, 1962), Acetobacter aceti (Mendoza, 1953), Acetobacter or Xylinum (palo and larve, 1954; saturnine - Dimagulia, 1967). 2. Raw materials and equipment Raw materials used in making nata de coco is: - Coconut Water Coconut water is one part of coconut (Cocos nucifera) from the liquid part endosperma coconut, covering 25% of the weight of the coconut crusted seluruj. Addition of water, coconut water contains sugar, free amino acids, vitamins, and minerals. Vitamin water is in the form of vitamin C with a 0.7 degree to 3.7% and vitamin B complex in the number of small (child, 1964 in suryati 1979). While the nitrogen compound is in coconut water is a free amino acid, in the old fresh coconut water. A coconut average contain 300 ml of coconut water (aswani and fakir, 1985). Coconut water could not be saved because the old parts of sugar are also inside the fermentation so that it quickly turns to acid. Disposal of water treatment without sanitation will contaminate the environment to cause problems, especially soil fertility. Coconut water is an excellent media for growth of microbes because water containing sugar, free amino acids, vitamins, and minerals (Siahaan et al, 1993). Amino acid in the coconut water consisting of arginin, dionin, astin and Serin. Pulungkun (1992) claimed that coconut water has a value of 17 calories, 0 grams per 100. Unsure-element suspected of giving effect to stimulate the growth of A. Xylinum for biologisnya metabolism and cell regeneration, propagation (alaban, 1962). Gynecology nutrition coconut water will affect the quality of nata and stater produced. Gynecology nutrition coconut water is influenced by the age of coconut water. coconut used to make coconut should be clear, there is no dirt, characteristic aroma. Coconut water have pH 3 - 4.5 with a 30 Brix sugar. - Water - Sugar - Ammonium sulphate - Acid acetate Tools used in making nata de coco is: - Stove - Pan email - Weighing - Glass measure - Scoop - Kain saring - Paper / newspaper - Plastic Bucket - Brass (tray) plastic - The pH - Mixer timber - Stainless knife - Talenan - Plastic bags 3. Procedure Making nata de coco first creation made with starter acetobacterium xylinum with the way culture pure culture on coconut water media. After creating a starter and then entered into a sterile tray. Added sugar and 7.5% v / v) ammonium sulphate and 0.5% (v / v). then the media is set to be pH 4.5 by adding acid acetate. Next disterilisasi coconut water with autoclave at a temperature of 121 0C with a pressure of 1 atm for 15 minutes. After the media cooled to room temperature. And inoculation is done by adding a liquid starter acetobacter xylinum as 10% (v / v) on the condition that aseptis. Fermentation vessel was closed with plastic and placed on a flat rack in a dark room. Incubation process lasts for 14 days during the incubation media and nata de coco can not be shaken. Nata Selalma 14 days can be harvested in a way that has been issued nata fermentation vessel shape and cut-cut. Nata Selanjtnya soaked 3 days in the water changed every day. 4. The bacteria Nata First suspected that the bacteria is the formation of nata leuconostoc Sp, but then ascertained that the bacteria is forming nata acetobacter xylinum (lapuz et al, 1967). Acetobacter xylinum including acetobacter species that have characteristics of other gram negative, aerobic obligat, and does not form a spore. Acetobacter types of species have characteristics that are similar, but acetobacter xylinum can still be with the other species because of the unique nature (Kurnindi 1990). Soesono (1984) mentioned that acetobacter xylinum sugar component can be split into polisakarida known denngan selul.osa ekstraseluler when ditumbuhkan in medium containing sugar. Energy arising from the process of renovation giula is used to run in oxygen metabolism in the cells are bacteria. Making Product Wine (Wine) 1. Introduction Wine or wine beverage is in essence a result of fermentation of fruit extract. But most of the consumer society both in the countries of major wine producers and other countries set a strict definition of wine, which is a fruit drink of the wine fermentation. Wine made from fruit other than grape called fruit wine. Only certain varieties of wine that can produce high quality wine, and only a few countries are among the countries that grape wine industry has an important and famous. The most determining factor in the production of wine in a climate in which vineyards grow. Characteristics and quality of wine is determined by the components of raw materials, fermentation process, and oerubahan-changes that occur either naturally or accidentally in the period after fermentation is complete.
2. Raw Material Main raw material in making wine is grape. Dihancurkaan grape and musts and the result is called, which consists of 85% -95% juice, 5% -12% skin, and 0% -4% seed. Glucose and carbohydrate is the main fruktosa in musts. So, during the fruit maturation process anggurrasio glucose / fruktosa decreased. While sukrosa slightly increased. Gynecology mature grape pectin varies between 0,02-0,6%, including materials such as sediment by alcohol and gum aroban. Variations pectin matrix is dependent on the grape varieties. Acid-organic acid in the main grape is sour (L +) and tartarat acid (L-) malat. Total acidity calculated as acid tartarat vary depending on season and variety, that is between 0,3-1,5 gram/100 ml. Gynecology total nitrogen in musts varied between 100-2000 mg / l, usually about 600 mg / l. Of these, 100-400 mg / lmerupakan amino nitrogen. Besides the main components above, other components that are important role in wine fermentation is a pigment. A number of small klorofil, karoten and xanthofil are known in the grape musts. A number of enzyme found in the musts enzyme polifenoloksidase, peroksidase, pektinase, metylesterase, polisalaktosanase and oksidase. Most of the enzyme in the skin of the fruit. If musts be, enzyme-enzyme activity will be reduced. 3. Type-Type of Wine In general, the wine is grouped into 5 classes, namely red table wine, white table wine, appetizer wine, dessert wine, Sparkling wine. Most types of wine is still wine type of wine that is where all the CO2 gas that is removed during the fermentation process. Sparkling wine, while the CO2 concentration in that particular process or through a second fermentation process karbonasi. Dry wine is a type of wine that contains a little water does not contain sugar at all (unfermented sugar). While the sweet wine that still does not contain sugar or fermented deliberately added after the fermentation process is complete. Fortified wine is the type of wine is added destilat wine (wine or spirit grandy), that contains approximately 19-21% alcohol. Table wine is the type of wine that the actual alcohol 9-14% lower, little or no sugar. While the dessert wine is a fortified wine containing sugar (sweet wine). Appertizer wine is the type of wine with sugar contents which vary between the dry wine and sweet wine, alcohol contents ranging between 15-20%. 4. Wine fermentation In general, the phase-phase production of wine is as follows: Fresh fruit quoted on the optimum level of maturity, in order to obtain musts with flavor, acidity and sugar contents optimum. Vineyards destroyed with caution so that the seeds and stalk that contains the component with the taste bitter (tannin) not destroyed before filtering. Added to the musts in sulfit or sulfur dioxide (SO2). This addition to the growth and variety of activities including leavened microorganisms and bacteria that are on the grape. To produce red wine, fermentation musts be complete with skin, seeds and stalk. Another way is heating musts at a temperature around 40-44 OC for 8-16 hours, then cooled and filtered with pressure. Liquids are further fermented. 5. Wine damage Microorganisms cause wine is especially cells leavened wild (wild yeast), kapang and acetobacter genus of bacteria, lactobacillus, leuconostoc, and may pediococcus and micrococcus. Some of the factors that influence the growth of microorganisms in wine is the acidity (pH), the actual sugar, alcohol concentration, the concentration of compound growth factors, tannin concentration, the concentration of sulfur dioxide (SO2), storage temperature and the air. Making Vinegar Products 1. Introduction Vinegar is a weak acid solution acetate generated through the 2-stage fermentation process, the fermentation of sugar into ethanol by the cells will be leavened with the process of ethanol oxidation into acids by bacterial acid acetate acetate. Roman and Greek nations using vinegar as the liquid refreshment beverages produced in a way and let the wine in the open. Production of vinegar in the industry was first performed using even the open vessel, and since 1949 production techniques have been developed through a process of fermentation vinegar submerged (submerged fermentation). 2. Raw Material In the beginning of the raw materials used to produce vinegar from alcoholic drinks industry, which is part of the failure to drink in the process or not eligible to be marketed. But with the growth of knowledge and technology in the alcoholic beverage industry. Failure process rarely occurs, because the industry produces its own vinegar solution contains alcohol which is called mash that is required to produce vinegar. Vinegar can be made from various types of materials that generate solvent / extract (juice) that contain sugar, especially the type of sugar that can be fermented. Materials, among others, this is fruit and molases. In addition, the materials used is also the water. Water used in making mash must meet the requirements of the clear, not colored, free of contamination, and without sediment or particles tersuspensi. 3. Types of Vinegar Types of vinegar-based raw materials used, for example, wine vinegar comes from the wine, Cider vinegar is made from apple juice, rice vinegar is made from rice starch, and starch from Malt vinegar is a conversion process by Malt. 4. Vinegar fermentation Vinegar can be produced through the process of spontaneous fermentation, where the active microbes are part of the natural mikroflora of the different types of plants used as raw material, or substrate material with the sugar contents of 10% or more that is left open to the surrounding environment will experience the process of fermentation alcohol fermentation followed by acid acetate, and the vessel used in the fermentation was previously used as a source of microbes for fermentation meklakukan next. 5. Microbiology Leavened cells used in fermentation of alcohol is a groove-groove of species saccharomyces serivisieae, kluyveromyces frasilis and Candida pseudotropicalis. Then the bacteria that oxidize ethanol into acetate acid that is glukanobacter and acetobacter. Acetate acid bacteria are nowadays widely used to produce vinegar is a commercial channel of some species acetobacter aceti, acetobacter pasteurianus and acetobacter peroxidans. 6. Use Vinegar Vinegar is used in many food processing industries, pharmaceutical industries and chemical industries. In the food processing industry, vinegarv mainly used as material penimbul flavor and preservative. One product that is apple Cider vinegar. Apple Cider vinegar is one of the most powerful tonic in the world. Doctors and experts know the effectiveness of nutrition in the treat artritis, high blood pressure, and stomach disturbances, and decrease in body weight. In addition, apple Cider vinegar is one of the richest sources of potassium.
Handout Technology Of Fermentation Departemen Of Postharvest Technology Lampung University by : Ir. Samsul Rizal,. Msi
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