Processing technology tubers into flour is very simple and cheap. With the technology, small scale business is able to produce medium-quality flour that is not quite good compared to wheat flour produced large companies. Cassava enough potential to be developed because cassava is a plant that has been highly recognized by farmers and can be planted easily. Cassava is a plant that is also very flexible in the agricultural and harvest age. Land to plant cassava does not need to be specific, and does not require intensive penggarapan as well as for other horticultural crops, eg vegetables. Has been exploited for cassava starch is taken by the various industries. Pati is a major component of plant tubers - umbian tropical. Tuber crops normally used for plant consumption. Plants are rich in starch, besides containing many vitamins, minerat and other nutritional substances. In addition to use as food, tuber crops in the application for the benefit of the industry, especially cassava which is very rapid development. Seed - digit (cereal) is the main source of starch in the commercial development of some countries. Some plants and tubers - umbian used as a source of starch extraction, as in the countries India, Brazil, Thailand, Indonesia, the Philippines and China. This report is presented to discuss the process of extraction, the determination of the degree of water rendemen starch and cassava starch.
A. Cassava
Cassava is the staple food in Indonesia after rice and maize (Nuryani, 1994). Cassava or cassava is a food source of carbohydrate or energy source. Cassava or cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) is the food of the future potential in the framework of the development of agribusiness and agro-industry. Since first until now the role of cassava in large enough national food and raw materials needed for various food industry because it is rich in starch. Cassava is one of the power plants that have adapted to a variety of high kodisi land and does not require special treatment (Fitrotin, 2009).
B. Cassava Nutrition
Gynecology Cereal and tubers grow much in Indonesia. Cereal production especially rice as staple food and tubers are high. Similarly, increasing population, the need for cereal and tubers as a source of energy is also increased. Plants with high carbohydrate content such as cereal and tubers are generally resistant to high temperatures. Cereal and tubers often dihidangkan in the form of fresh, stew or kukusan, this depends on taste. Penganekaragaman food business is very important as a means to overcome the problem of dependence on one staple food only. For example, with the process and cereal roots into various forms of awetan have any sense of the unique and durable saved. The form of processed in the form of flour, GAPLEK, tapai, chips and others. This is in accordance with government programs, especially in the issue of the need food, particularly non-rice.
C. Starch
Starch is poliskarida which is composed of two types of carbohydrate that is amilosa and amilopektin in the composition of the different - different. Amilosa memebrikan nature of nature while providing amilosa sticky. Pati is one of the important substance in the world that can be updated and is a resource that is not limited. Starch produced from seeds - digit or tuberous roots. Most of the Pati used as food but with a different process physics, chemistry and biology can be converted into various other products. Pati is currently used as food, paper, textile, adhesive, beverage, pharmaceuticals and building materials. Pure starch is produced through the natural separation process without the addition of chemical substances or other. Pure starch can be used directly in producing some types of food such as Mi. To be able to use for the needs of industry Pati Pure processed before re-starting from the granula pattern to alter the shape and composition of amilase and molecular amilopectin, pasta alter the temperature, the ratio of thickness, durability against acid, heat and agitasi or mechanical nature to the ion. Modification aims to meet certain standards to comply with the required characteristics of the industry (Anonymous, 2009). D. Experiment Method 1) Cassava or Cassava 2) Cleaning 3) Pemarutan cassava 4) filtering pulp + Air 5) Suspensi 6) settling 7) Washing + Air 8) Drying 9) devastation 10) Pati E. Discussion Elections wheat into alternative staple food, the options that you can not solve the problem, but evidently raises a new problem that is not less complicated. Currently, the industry standard of wheat, both large industry and small industry, consumers and households that depend on corn have been increasingly shrill because the price of wheat, which continues to rebound. Subtitusi as wheat flour from the socialization needs to be done in the use of food that can compete with corn as the basic material of making food. Cassava flour or tapioca flour have potential as a replacement material for ease in planting the raw materials, processing, easy and relatively cheap price of Cassava has many superior characteristics as the material basis Pati is a high level of purity, character pengental a very good, neutral taste, texture well, is a cheap raw material as well as containing a high starch content, easily extracted with the process that is easily compared with other sources of starch so produced is eligible for the small scale and limited capital, the more attractive because the adhesive industry to create more liquid adhesive, smooth and stable, and a more clear Pasta Tapioca flour on the industry, the technology used can be grouped into three, namely (1) the traditional tapioca processing industry is still relying on the sun and the production is highly dependent on the season, (2) semi-modern tapioca processing industry, namely the machine-dryer (oven) in the drying process, (3) full otomate the tapioca processing industry that uses the engine's initial product to be. Industrial equipment that uses tapioca full otomate has high efficiency, because the production process requires less labor, time and result in shorter tapioca quality (Anonymous, 2009). In the first mengektrak cassava starch - cassava first peeled to remove the damaged part and then washed with water. Cassava cut into the patch to be done with the tubers extract the machine pemarut cassava or blender. Extraction aims to damage the network and tuber cells - the cells so that the tubers of cassava starch sari you out easily. Extraction of water added starch water and comparison with the base 2: 1 of 5 x filtering. This process is carried out to extend the amount of squeeze cells - cells that exit from the core network using a base fabric filter layer 2. Suspensi diendapkan starch for 24 hours, the resulting starch sediment washed with water and diendapkan return for 6 - 12 hours to obtain a net starch Suspensi thick, which was then placed into the brass and dried in oven 45 - 50oC for 24 hours the starch was dried destroyed using a waring blender until established cassava starch fine (Nurjanah, 2002). After the extraction is done, then do praktikan measurement rendemen starch menhggunakan procedures Nurjanah (2002) and water content determination using the starch method using a drying oven connection (AOOAC, 1984). Empty cup dried in the oven for 15 minutes and cooled in 15 minutes and then desikator be pondered. After that, the starch sample dried cassava extraction results be pondered as much as 3 grams. Then included in the cup. Cup and its contents has been known that the weight lifted and placed inside the oven temperature of 105 OC for 6 hours. Then the cup and its contents moved into desikator for 15 minutes. After the cold be pondered again and again dried to obtain permanent weight (the maximum value of only 0.02 behind the change a comma). After the weighing, weight of raw cassava is 1200 grams of weight and skin weight of 200 grams of cassava in 1000 gram without skin. Bers after the extraction of wet pulp is 300 grams and the weight of dry pulp after dioven is 135.5 grams. Starch wet weight is 2000 grams and the results obtained after dried 223.76 grams. And then do the calculation rendemen starch, starch, dry weight of 223.76 grams of weight and cassava obtained rendemen 1200 grams of 18,467%. The determination of water content of starch with 2.82 grams of cup weight and 3 grams of initial sample results obtained water content 25%. The results above indicate that only very few rendemen or starch produced less than 50%, terbuktidari only 1200 grams of 18,467%. So much waste from the processing of tapioca flour should be used so that it does not contaminate the environment. Rendemen with the starch that is not too much expected of cassava starch processing factory as efficiently as possible should make possible the processing of raw materials, labor to process produkasi other. While the water content of cassava starch obtained by the results of 25%, this indicates the water content of starch extraction is still big enough so that should take longer to process before drying in order to pasarkan preservation and better texture and more.
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