In the life of our society, soybean has long been known as one of the plant source of vegetable protein with the actual 39% - 41% are processed into food, beverage and food taste penyedap, for example, which is already very popular tempe, soy sauce, bean sprouts and tauco . Even in modern processed into milk and soy beverages sari which is packed in special cartons or bottles. In addition, soybean also plays an important role in several activities to livestock industry.
As the food is very nutritious for soybean growth and maintain the condition of the body cells. Soybean contains many elements and substances-essential food substances such as protein, fat, carbohydrate, and so forth. Soybean is also useful as a functional food that is there is a womb Isoflavon money than useful in the body's metabolism is also useful kolestrol decrease or decrease the blood of heart disease risk. And type of protein glisin and arginin can lower blood insulin. Bijinya addition, soybean plants from other parts of this plant are also useful for animal husbandry, for example, from the leaves and stem can be used for fodder and green manure. While kedelainya of nuts, in addition to raw materials such as mentioned above, can also be developed in several branches that can be processed further. For branch "soy protein" can be processed into the food industry (such as susu, vetsin, cakes, etc.) and industrial non-food (such as paper, water paint, printing ink, etc.).
Then a branch of "soybean oil" can be used as material Gliserida (such as cooking oil, margarine, ink, varnish, etc.) and as a material Lecithin (as Margarine, insecticides, plastics, pharmaceutical industry etc.).
Thus, it appears that the soybean crop has economic benefits of a broad and strategic, as well as closely related to the development of downstream industries. Therefore, it can be understood when soybean demand in the country is very large, even to meet demand this year dati soybean imports tend to increase.
Soybean contains 35-45% protein and 18-32% oil. Soy protein has amino acid balance, better than other legume. Soybean is also more important in fatty acids than most kacanglainnya.
Soybean as a source of calcium, magnesium and lecithin has been shown to reduce high cholesterol, high in vitamins B and as Antioxidant that may help prevent some types of cancer. Some know that handsome with calcium sulphate and is a good source of calcium.
Soybean plants also contain chemicals called isoflavones. Isoflavones are phytoestrogens from the subclass, and light effects similar to human oestrogen. This study are to decrease the potential cholesterol, reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, reduce symptoms of menopause
and decrease the risk of osteoporosis.
Containing soybean trypsin inhibitor (Antitripsin) that make them difficult to digest. Unless they are mature enough. Some of the compounds in soybean (protein and phytates) also can disrupt the absorption of minerals such as iron. In addition, research conducted ongoing about the possible negative impact of high consumption of soy on thyroid function, especially those who do not get enough iodine in their diet.
Soy allergies are relatively common, especially among children, and soy-based infant formula is being examined for the possibility to trigger peanut allergy
Processing plants where the results are intended to extend the store soybeans, increasing soybean nutritional value, increase the diversity of food materials with a soy base, increase the sale value, and competitiveness processed soybean.
1. Tempe
Making tempe traditionally usually use the tempe flour dried in the sun. Now where there is also making use of yeast tempe. Some things to note on the processing that is where good results are:
1. Soybean should be chosen that good (not rotten) and not gross
2. Water must be clear, no smell and does not contain disease germs
3. How the process should be clean
4. Seed tempe (tempe yeast) should be chosen that are still active (if diremas fine grain form or does not clot)
Ways of making tempe is as follows:
1) Clean and soybean rendam one night so that the skin easily separated;
2) skin peeled arinya way diinjak board. When there, you can use a parer soybean;
3) After the peeled and washed clean, steam in the boiler for 1 hour. Then angkaat and dinginkan in tampah large;
4) After the cold, the yeast is mixed with 20 grams of Tempe;
5) Enter the mixture in a mold of plastic or dialasi wrapped with banana leaves. Leaves or plastic so that dilubangi get air tempe fungi and can grow well;
6) print and close the bank with gunny to become warm. 1 night after the fungus begins to grow out and heat;
7) Take a print-print and place on a rack, row one layer and leave for 1 night;
8) Remove from Tempe cetakannya.
1) to make room tempe net and should not be made from the wall. Pemeraman be given room to the window, so that air can be regulated by opening or closing the window. In the rainy season this room need to be given so that the room temperature is not too cold.
2) Tempe easily stored decay after 2 ½ days in terbungkus circumstances, therefore, need to be preserved dry as follows:
3) Iris with tempe ± ½ mm thickness, dried in the oven at a temperature of 750C for 55 minutes. Preservation in a way like this product where the resulting resistance awetan stored for 3 to 5 weeks.
4) Per protein and fat soybean tempe, each of 22.5% and 18%. Of protein needs can be met with 55g/hari consume tempe as much as 244.44 grams.
B. SoyMilk
In addition to tempe and tahu, susu soybeans also have a high nutritional and beneficial for health. Quality of soybean protein susu susu lower than beef, but does not contain cholesterol and does not cause allergies, so consumed by the patient according to lactose intolerance. However, soybean susu
have unpleasant taste (Beany flavor) so it is less preferred by some consumers. Unpleasant taste can be eliminated with the processing technology
and appropriate use of soybean varieties that suit, that is, the yellow seeds, berkadar high-protein, and low intensity langunya.
Ways of making soy milk is as follows:
1. Clean all dirt from the soybean, and washing;
2. Boiled soybeans that have been clean for about 15 minutes ago rendam
in water for about 12 hours;
3. Wash the skin to exfoliate arinya. Destroy the stone from the mill;
4. Soybean intervention that has been fine with hot water. Poke poke mix
to the average;
5. Filter the mixture with a cloth filter, so that the solution susu
6. Tambakan sugar, vanilla, cocoa, and salt in a solvent susu, and
poke up and the average heat until boiling.
Basis of making out is melarutkan protein in soybean using water as pelarutnya. After the protein is dissolved, diendapkan try again using the material to form pengendap lump - lump protein into akan know. One is making out with a filter before soybean porridge cooked in liquid, so that is separate from ampasnya.
Know how the creation is as follows:
1. Select soybean and washed clean
2. Rendam in water for 8 hours (at least 3 liters for a kg of soybean). Soybean akan expand if soaked.
3.Cuci many - times that have been soaked soybeans. If not clean, then know that the acid will quickly become
4. Tumbuk soybean using hot water little by little until the shaped pulp
5. Cook until squash is not set at a temperature of 70oC - 80oC (marked with the bubbles - small bubbles).
6. Filter soybean porridge with water and endapkan use gypsum (calcium sulphate Cao =). As much as 1 gram or 3 ml acid to 1 L vinegar soybean extract, little by little while slowly stirred - land
7. Print and sediment are pres.
D. Soy sauce
Ways of making soy soybean is as follows:
1. Wash and rendam soybean in 3 liters of water during one night. And then boiled until the skin becomes soft soybean, and tiriskan above tampah and dinginkan.
2. Give tempe fungi in soybean that has been cooled. Poke up and save on the average room temperature (25 - 30 0C) for 35 days.
3. After the mushroom soy ditumbuhi white uniform, add saline solution. Place in a container and leave for 3 - 4 days. The maximum limit penggaraman process is two months
4. Immediately pour the water filter mendidihg ago
5. Re-enter the filter, add sugar and spices - ingredients.
Sweet soy sauce to make: 1 liter of each filter requires 2 kg of brown sugar. For salty taste: every one liter of filter requires 2 1.2 oz brown sugar.
Tauco is one of the types of food fermentation of soybean in Indonesia, especially in Java Barat.Tauco shaped pasta (semi solid) with a color ranging from yellow to brown. Tauco made from yellow soybeans, and is generally used as a spice / penyedap cuisine
The process of tauco performed with 2-stage fermentation and the fermentation kapang fermentation in laruitan salt. Fermentation kapang done well secarta spontaneous (kapang the growth in soybean comes from the surrounding air / smoke from the rest of the spore-kapang who left behind on the fermentation vessel used previously) or by adding laru tempe.
Soybean washed clean and boiled for 1-2 hours and then peeled the skin. Then soybean tenpa skin is washed and soaked for 24 hours. Then soybean boiled or steamed again for 1-2 minutes (until soft), drained and cooled and the fermentation is done kapang that can be done spontaneously with the addition laru tempe. Fermentation is carried out for 2-5 days at room temperature. Soybean fermentation results were then to be 2-4 per part soybean seeds) and soaked in saline solution 25-50%, and diinkubasi for 10-20 days in the open container in the sun and stirred each day. After fermentation is completed the salt, added some water, palm sugar and then boiled dobotolkan. The result is called tauco wet. If then dried (dried) then the result is called tauco dry.
Oncom red made from fungus Neurospora sp. Oncom generally made from red pulp, and the soybean that has been taken in making proteinnya know. Know is a waste residue from processing soybeans into know. Although materials such as waste, but is reviewed in terms of nutrition is indeed the second material is a nutrient dense material, so be pitied if very casually discarded. Other raw materials needed in making oncom is kapang. Kapang oncom can remove the enzyme lipase and protease that is active during the fermentation process and play an important role in the decomposition of sugar into starch, disintegration materials bean cell wall, and the decomposition of fat, and the establishment of a little alcohol and ester is tasty and fragrant smell.
G. OIL Soybean
Making soybean oil made dalm some stage. Before extracted soybean must first be cleaned and skinned. Then after it separated from the soybean kulitnyadan destroyed with the temperature 74 - 79oC for 30 minutes. In this process occurs denaturasi akan koagulasi and protein will reduce the oil afinitas compact and easier to be in the process of extraction. Soybean extraction can be done using the tool, or with the press hidraulik organic solvent with the soxhlet method. After that is done with the purification filtrasi to remove dirt. Then dikakukan separation is the separation of Gum gum fospolipid, carbohydrate residues, water and resin without reducing the acid content of oil-free way agitasi between soybean mminyak with water for 30 - 60 minutes. Pemucatan the next stage is to improve the quality of the color substances absorben. Dihidrogenasi ago with the addition of hydrogen bonds in the duplex and deodorisasi with oil distillation with steam heat and pressure vacuum cleaner for purifying oil smell and feel.
REFERENCES :Anonim. 2008. Tempe. Deputi Menegristek Bidang Pendayagunaan dan Pemasyarakatan Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Teknologi. Jakarta
Anonim. 2009. Susu Kedelai. Balai Penelitian Tanaman Kacangkacangan dan Umbi-umbian Jalan Raya Kendal Payak. Jakarta
Anonim. 2005. Kedelai. Departemen Pertanian. Jakarta