Image Source :http://thehui.wordpress.com/
In the light of these studies, it is surprising that few studies have compared the health consequences of eating organic and conventionally grown produce. Any fruits and vegetables are better than none. In a study, those who ate the fewest plant foods had the highest cancer rates, and those who ate the most produce had the least cancer. Most pesticides are fat-soluble. If you eat plants that have been treated with them, you ingest a tiny amount of residue that accumulates in your fatty tissues, such as female breast tissue.
But the real problem develops when you eat animal fat. Food animals accumulate pesticides in their fat tissues throughout their lives. By the time people eat them, they have much higher levels than any of the feed plants they ate. When people eat meat, they consume most of the pesticides the animals ate. The higher up the food chain you eat, the more toxic chemicals you ingest. The cleanest produce is organic. Even organically grown fruits, vegetables, grains and beans may pick up some pesticide contamination because of chemicals in groundwater, in the air from neighbouring non-organic farms or from fumigation of trucks and warehouses. But compared with conventionally grown produce, organic fruits and vegetables are significantly cleaner. If you opt for organic fruits and vegetables, the good news is that they are more available than ever. Health food stores, farmer's markets and even some supermarkets now carry items called organic. So what are you waiting for?
1. Support Your Local Farmers
Buy foods in season and encourage your supermarket to stock locally grown items, which are less likely to be waxed and treated with postharvest pesticides during transport and storage.
2. Scrub Up
Wash all the fruits and vegetables with a dilute solution of dishwashing liquid and water. Use a vegetable brush. Chop spinach, broccoli, cauliflower and celery before washing.
3. Grow Your Own
No matter where you live, you can grow at least some of your own fruits and vegetables organically. If you do not buy organic, you can still minimize your exposure to pesticides by heeding the above suggestions.
4. Do Some Research
Contact your state agriculture department or local extension service for referrals to organic growers in your area. Contact the farmers and ask how they grow their produce and where they sell it.
5. Meet Your Greengrocer
Talk with your health food store or supermarket produce manager. Ask for organic produce.
6. Buy Your Produce By Mail
It is easier than you think. Pick those nearest to you for the freshest items and lowest shipping costs. Root vegetables - carrots, turnips and rutabagas - are excellent mail-order choices. They ship well, and when conventionally grown, root vegetables tend to accumulate higher levels of pesticides than other vegetables.
7. Exercise A Little Skepticism
Unless you trust the vendor, do not place too much faith in handwritten signs. Look for certification label. Labels include "Farm-Verified Organics." "Organic Crop Improvement Association," "Organic Growers and Buyers Association" and "California Certified Organic Farmers." Only California has a government-regulated organic certification program. The other certification labels are granted to members of voluntary associations who pledge to uphold certain voluntary standards. But any label is more trustworthy than a handwritten sign.
Raymond Lee Geok Seng is one of the foremost experts in the health and fitness industry and is a writer specializing in body health, muscle development and dieting. He has spent countless of time and efforts conducting research and share his insightful and powerful secrets to benefit men and women all over the world. He is currently the author of the latest edition of "Neck Exercises and Workouts." Visit http://www.bodyfixes.com for more information.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Raymond_Geok_Seng_Lee
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