
Selasa, 21 April 2009


• Agro-industry in Indonesia has comparative and competitive advantages
• The main product of agro-industry is only about 20% or less
• Byproducts and Environmental management are more important

The strategy of agro-industry development:
• prevent the environmental pollution through the implementation of zero emission concepts
• producing some valuable materials from waste or by-products (biomass)


Handout Wastewater Technology Of Agroindustry Departemen Of Postharvest Technology Lampung University by : Dr.Eng Udin Hasanudin

Jumat, 10 April 2009


In general, the fruit will only occur after pollination and fertilization of flowers. However the form may also have tanpan pollination and fertilization. Current terbentuknya fruit that is called: partenokarpi (parthenocarpy). The occurrence of fruit in this way does not usually contain the seeds, or if there bijinya, does not contain the seeds of the institution, so can not be bijinya Maintenance tool. The formation of fruit in this manner we commonly find on the banana tree (Musa paradisiaca L.). Given the description above, the fruit on the plants can generally be distinguished in two groups, namely: a. fruit or quasi-closed, if the fruit will form from the fruit along with parts of another flower on it, which is the main fruit is the (larger, more interesting concern, and the fruit is often useful, can be eaten), while fruit Indeed, the sometimes hidden. b. fruit naked or indeed, that will always happen from the fruit, and if you have the interest of the living part is the part this does not mean the fruit. Each type of fruit that have a chemical order is different and contains vitamin that vary both the type and amount. Humans consume fruits in order to obtain additional vitamin for the body. Many of the needed vitamin the body can be classified into six types of carbohydrate that is a function to provide energy, protein for growth and function of the network, the function of fat to provide energy, vitamins that function to set up processes in the body, minerals that work to set up a process -process in the body, and water needed for the process-during the process in the body. Vitamin in the fruits contain a lot of property for the health body. One area of research is the most developed of the vitamin and mineral competitor cancer, he explained karoten beta, vitamin E, vitamin C, and mineral selenium. Results from a large study of more than 30,000 people in China showed that people who eat the nutrients each day over a period of five years have a lower risk of 13 percent for death due to cancer than people who do not eat these nutrients. Indonesian region is fertile with a suitable climate for growing fruit trees protruding. Thus, in Indonesia there are many types of fruit. Fruit is a product of agricultural products that can be consumed directly or processed into other products. Fruits have a womb that is high enough because the commodity is quickly damaged. Damage-the damage may lead to decrease in consumption of fruits. Therefore, the treatment need to be more of the commodity fruit. Further treatment can be done, among others, is to fermentation. Fermentation is a way of drying beside the oldest man practiced for the purpose of preservation and processing of food. Food terfermentasi product or activity is the result of the various species of bacteria, and leavened kapang. Various research results have been successfully revealed that the fermentation of food materials will have physical and chemical changes that benefit such as flavor and aroma terbentuknya the preferred. Making Nata De Coco Products 1. Introduction Nata de coco berasak from spain language, which means swimming. The word is derived from the latin word that means the float. Meanwhile, according to the universal encyclopedia allustrade in Abraham (1994). Nata de coco is a layer of white berwaran buff who grew dipermukaan media and coconut water is the result of the fermentation bacteria Acetobacter Xylinum. Nata product can be made from materials such as coconut, pineapple extract and other fruit essence. Nata quality according to the Department of Quality Control PT. GGPC (2000 in situngkil 2001) have a bright white color of normal (not sour). Chewy texture, and there are no microbes or bacteria contamination. Nata de coco coconut water is made of old, which resulted from the activities of some bacteria that ditumbuhkan to dalamam is coconut water. The bacteria used to make nata de coco is leuconostoc mesenteroides (Alaban, 1962), Acetobacter aceti (Mendoza, 1953), Acetobacter or Xylinum (palo and larve, 1954; saturnine - Dimagulia, 1967). 2. Raw materials and equipment Raw materials used in making nata de coco is: - Coconut Water Coconut water is one part of coconut (Cocos nucifera) from the liquid part endosperma coconut, covering 25% of the weight of the coconut crusted seluruj. Addition of water, coconut water contains sugar, free amino acids, vitamins, and minerals. Vitamin water is in the form of vitamin C with a 0.7 degree to 3.7% and vitamin B complex in the number of small (child, 1964 in suryati 1979). While the nitrogen compound is in coconut water is a free amino acid, in the old fresh coconut water. A coconut average contain 300 ml of coconut water (aswani and fakir, 1985). Coconut water could not be saved because the old parts of sugar are also inside the fermentation so that it quickly turns to acid. Disposal of water treatment without sanitation will contaminate the environment to cause problems, especially soil fertility. Coconut water is an excellent media for growth of microbes because water containing sugar, free amino acids, vitamins, and minerals (Siahaan et al, 1993). Amino acid in the coconut water consisting of arginin, dionin, astin and Serin. Pulungkun (1992) claimed that coconut water has a value of 17 calories, 0 grams per 100. Unsure-element suspected of giving effect to stimulate the growth of A. Xylinum for biologisnya metabolism and cell regeneration, propagation (alaban, 1962). Gynecology nutrition coconut water will affect the quality of nata and stater produced. Gynecology nutrition coconut water is influenced by the age of coconut water. coconut used to make coconut should be clear, there is no dirt, characteristic aroma. Coconut water have pH 3 - 4.5 with a 30 Brix sugar. - Water - Sugar - Ammonium sulphate - Acid acetate Tools used in making nata de coco is: - Stove - Pan email - Weighing - Glass measure - Scoop - Kain saring - Paper / newspaper - Plastic Bucket - Brass (tray) plastic - The pH - Mixer timber - Stainless knife - Talenan - Plastic bags 3. Procedure Making nata de coco first creation made with starter acetobacterium xylinum with the way culture pure culture on coconut water media. After creating a starter and then entered into a sterile tray. Added sugar and 7.5% v / v) ammonium sulphate and 0.5% (v / v). then the media is set to be pH 4.5 by adding acid acetate. Next disterilisasi coconut water with autoclave at a temperature of 121 0C with a pressure of 1 atm for 15 minutes. After the media cooled to room temperature. And inoculation is done by adding a liquid starter acetobacter xylinum as 10% (v / v) on the condition that aseptis. Fermentation vessel was closed with plastic and placed on a flat rack in a dark room. Incubation process lasts for 14 days during the incubation media and nata de coco can not be shaken. Nata Selalma 14 days can be harvested in a way that has been issued nata fermentation vessel shape and cut-cut. Nata Selanjtnya soaked 3 days in the water changed every day. 4. The bacteria Nata First suspected that the bacteria is the formation of nata leuconostoc Sp, but then ascertained that the bacteria is forming nata acetobacter xylinum (lapuz et al, 1967). Acetobacter xylinum including acetobacter species that have characteristics of other gram negative, aerobic obligat, and does not form a spore. Acetobacter types of species have characteristics that are similar, but acetobacter xylinum can still be with the other species because of the unique nature (Kurnindi 1990). Soesono (1984) mentioned that acetobacter xylinum sugar component can be split into polisakarida known denngan selul.osa ekstraseluler when ditumbuhkan in medium containing sugar. Energy arising from the process of renovation giula is used to run in oxygen metabolism in the cells are bacteria. Making Product Wine (Wine) 1. Introduction Wine or wine beverage is in essence a result of fermentation of fruit extract. But most of the consumer society both in the countries of major wine producers and other countries set a strict definition of wine, which is a fruit drink of the wine fermentation. Wine made from fruit other than grape called fruit wine. Only certain varieties of wine that can produce high quality wine, and only a few countries are among the countries that grape wine industry has an important and famous. The most determining factor in the production of wine in a climate in which vineyards grow. Characteristics and quality of wine is determined by the components of raw materials, fermentation process, and oerubahan-changes that occur either naturally or accidentally in the period after fermentation is complete.
2. Raw Material Main raw material in making wine is grape. Dihancurkaan grape and musts and the result is called, which consists of 85% -95% juice, 5% -12% skin, and 0% -4% seed. Glucose and carbohydrate is the main fruktosa in musts. So, during the fruit maturation process anggurrasio glucose / fruktosa decreased. While sukrosa slightly increased. Gynecology mature grape pectin varies between 0,02-0,6%, including materials such as sediment by alcohol and gum aroban. Variations pectin matrix is dependent on the grape varieties. Acid-organic acid in the main grape is sour (L +) and tartarat acid (L-) malat. Total acidity calculated as acid tartarat vary depending on season and variety, that is between 0,3-1,5 gram/100 ml. Gynecology total nitrogen in musts varied between 100-2000 mg / l, usually about 600 mg / l. Of these, 100-400 mg / lmerupakan amino nitrogen. Besides the main components above, other components that are important role in wine fermentation is a pigment. A number of small klorofil, karoten and xanthofil are known in the grape musts. A number of enzyme found in the musts enzyme polifenoloksidase, peroksidase, pektinase, metylesterase, polisalaktosanase and oksidase. Most of the enzyme in the skin of the fruit. If musts be, enzyme-enzyme activity will be reduced. 3. Type-Type of Wine In general, the wine is grouped into 5 classes, namely red table wine, white table wine, appetizer wine, dessert wine, Sparkling wine. Most types of wine is still wine type of wine that is where all the CO2 gas that is removed during the fermentation process. Sparkling wine, while the CO2 concentration in that particular process or through a second fermentation process karbonasi. Dry wine is a type of wine that contains a little water does not contain sugar at all (unfermented sugar). While the sweet wine that still does not contain sugar or fermented deliberately added after the fermentation process is complete. Fortified wine is the type of wine is added destilat wine (wine or spirit grandy), that contains approximately 19-21% alcohol. Table wine is the type of wine that the actual alcohol 9-14% lower, little or no sugar. While the dessert wine is a fortified wine containing sugar (sweet wine). Appertizer wine is the type of wine with sugar contents which vary between the dry wine and sweet wine, alcohol contents ranging between 15-20%. 4. Wine fermentation In general, the phase-phase production of wine is as follows: Fresh fruit quoted on the optimum level of maturity, in order to obtain musts with flavor, acidity and sugar contents optimum. Vineyards destroyed with caution so that the seeds and stalk that contains the component with the taste bitter (tannin) not destroyed before filtering. Added to the musts in sulfit or sulfur dioxide (SO2). This addition to the growth and variety of activities including leavened microorganisms and bacteria that are on the grape. To produce red wine, fermentation musts be complete with skin, seeds and stalk. Another way is heating musts at a temperature around 40-44 OC for 8-16 hours, then cooled and filtered with pressure. Liquids are further fermented. 5. Wine damage Microorganisms cause wine is especially cells leavened wild (wild yeast), kapang and acetobacter genus of bacteria, lactobacillus, leuconostoc, and may pediococcus and micrococcus. Some of the factors that influence the growth of microorganisms in wine is the acidity (pH), the actual sugar, alcohol concentration, the concentration of compound growth factors, tannin concentration, the concentration of sulfur dioxide (SO2), storage temperature and the air. Making Vinegar Products 1. Introduction Vinegar is a weak acid solution acetate generated through the 2-stage fermentation process, the fermentation of sugar into ethanol by the cells will be leavened with the process of ethanol oxidation into acids by bacterial acid acetate acetate. Roman and Greek nations using vinegar as the liquid refreshment beverages produced in a way and let the wine in the open. Production of vinegar in the industry was first performed using even the open vessel, and since 1949 production techniques have been developed through a process of fermentation vinegar submerged (submerged fermentation). 2. Raw Material In the beginning of the raw materials used to produce vinegar from alcoholic drinks industry, which is part of the failure to drink in the process or not eligible to be marketed. But with the growth of knowledge and technology in the alcoholic beverage industry. Failure process rarely occurs, because the industry produces its own vinegar solution contains alcohol which is called mash that is required to produce vinegar. Vinegar can be made from various types of materials that generate solvent / extract (juice) that contain sugar, especially the type of sugar that can be fermented. Materials, among others, this is fruit and molases. In addition, the materials used is also the water. Water used in making mash must meet the requirements of the clear, not colored, free of contamination, and without sediment or particles tersuspensi. 3. Types of Vinegar Types of vinegar-based raw materials used, for example, wine vinegar comes from the wine, Cider vinegar is made from apple juice, rice vinegar is made from rice starch, and starch from Malt vinegar is a conversion process by Malt. 4. Vinegar fermentation Vinegar can be produced through the process of spontaneous fermentation, where the active microbes are part of the natural mikroflora of the different types of plants used as raw material, or substrate material with the sugar contents of 10% or more that is left open to the surrounding environment will experience the process of fermentation alcohol fermentation followed by acid acetate, and the vessel used in the fermentation was previously used as a source of microbes for fermentation meklakukan next. 5. Microbiology Leavened cells used in fermentation of alcohol is a groove-groove of species saccharomyces serivisieae, kluyveromyces frasilis and Candida pseudotropicalis. Then the bacteria that oxidize ethanol into acetate acid that is glukanobacter and acetobacter. Acetate acid bacteria are nowadays widely used to produce vinegar is a commercial channel of some species acetobacter aceti, acetobacter pasteurianus and acetobacter peroxidans. 6. Use Vinegar Vinegar is used in many food processing industries, pharmaceutical industries and chemical industries. In the food processing industry, vinegarv mainly used as material penimbul flavor and preservative. One product that is apple Cider vinegar. Apple Cider vinegar is one of the most powerful tonic in the world. Doctors and experts know the effectiveness of nutrition in the treat artritis, high blood pressure, and stomach disturbances, and decrease in body weight. In addition, apple Cider vinegar is one of the richest sources of potassium.

Handout Technology Of Fermentation Departemen Of Postharvest Technology Lampung University by : Ir. Samsul Rizal,. Msi

Rabu, 08 April 2009


For all fresh produce, variety selection, climatic conditions and growing practices will greatly affect the quality at harvest. Successful marketing of fresh fruits and vegetables depends on maintaining the quality harvested.

Ten Important Guidelines for Postharvest Handling:

1. MATURITY. Harvest the product at the correct stage of maturity.

2. REDUCE INJURIES. Reduce the physical handling to a minimum; every time the product is handled, it is damaged.

3. PROTECT PRODUCT. Protect the harvested product from the sun; bring it rapidly from the field/exposed area to the packing station and keep out of the direct sun. Transport carefully.

4. CLEANLINESS & SANITATION. Keep the packing line as simple as possible and keep it clean. If water is used, use clean water or a sanitizer if the water is reused. Maintain strict worker hygiene.

5. PACK CAREFULLY. Sort, classify and pack the product carefully to achieve uniformity and to prevent damage (compression, scrapes, etc.) which causes decay and inferior quality; use an adequate box or container. Packaging can also be informative.

6. PALLETIZE. Insure that the boxes are well placed on the pallet and that the pallet is strapped.

7. COOL. Cool the product as soon as possible after harvest; generally for every hour of delay from harvest to initiate cooling, one day of shelf-life is lost. Lowering product temperature is the most important wayto reduce deterioration.

8. KNOW PRODUCT. Know the requirements of the market (size, ripeness, etc) and the product handling requirements (temp., RH, shelf-life, etc.) of the product.

9. COORDINATION. Always try to coordinate the postharvest handling so that it is efficient and rapid.

10. TRAINING. Train and compensate well the workers involved in critical postharvest handling steps; make sure that workers have the necessary tools to facilitate their work.

Fresh products are alive and respire (e.g. enzymatically converting sugars and acids in the presence of oxygen to carbon dioxide and heat).

Careful postharvest handling aims to reduce the rate of respiration and the rate of other processes that cause deterioration and quality loss (water loss, many biochemical changes, softening,etc).

Careful, clean, and efficient handling is more important than the sophistication of the postharvest equipment used.

For Specialty Crops, Make Educated Guesses

When dealing with new crops and determining how they should be handled postharvest, one can make a few educated guesses based on the following questions:

1. Is the crop of tropical or temperate origin? This will likely indicate whether or not it is chilling sensitive.

2. Is the crop a leaf, root or fruit? This can help indicate how susceptible it is to water loss.

3. If the crop is a fruit, are there noticeable “ripening” changes after harvest? The degree of change after harvest is generally related to its rate of deterioration.

4. Are you harvesting the crop when it is rapidly growing or when it has completed its growth phase? Rapidly growing crops generally have very high respiration rates and high deterioration rates.

5. If the crop is a leafy product, are there rapid color changes? This may indicate how sensitive the deterioration process is and how sensitive it may be to exposure to the contaminant ethylene.

6. If the crop is a fruit, are there rapid textural and compositional (starch to sugar conversion) changes? This may indicate a “climateric” type fruit which would produce a lot of ethylene.

7. What are the postharvest characteristics of a related product (another species of the same genus, another genus of the same family, etc.)? Refer to the table for information on various products.

8. What is the estimated storage temperature? Try to place the product into one of the following categories:

A. low temperature (32-41°F)

B. moderate (41-50°F)

C. moderately high (50-60°F)

9. What is the estimated shelf-life? Try to categorize into one of following categories:

A. short shelf-life: 1-6 days

B. moderate: 7-21 days

C. long: 3-12 weeks or longer

10. Is the product very tender and delicate? Does it bruise easily? This will help to determine what an appropriate packaging system might be.

Basic Postharvest Principles

Harvest at the optimum maturity for best eating quality.

Harvest during the coolest part of the day.

Harvest and handle gently.

Preparation for market often involves cleaning, trimming, washing and grading.

Pack carefully: do not overpack or underpack.

Handout Potsharvest Technology Departemen Of Postharvest Technology Lampung University by : Ir. Yeni

Minggu, 05 April 2009



In the life of our society, soybean has long been known as one of the plant source of vegetable protein with the actual 39% - 41% are processed into food, beverage and food taste penyedap, for example, which is already very popular tempe, soy sauce, bean sprouts and tauco . Even in modern processed into milk and soy beverages sari which is packed in special cartons or bottles. In addition, soybean also plays an important role in several activities to livestock industry.

As the food is very nutritious for soybean growth and maintain the condition of the body cells. Soybean contains many elements and substances-essential food substances such as protein, fat, carbohydrate, and so forth. Soybean is also useful as a functional food that is there is a womb Isoflavon money than useful in the body's metabolism is also useful kolestrol decrease or decrease the blood of heart disease risk. And type of protein glisin and arginin can lower blood insulin. Bijinya addition, soybean plants from other parts of this plant are also useful for animal husbandry, for example, from the leaves and stem can be used for fodder and green manure. While kedelainya of nuts, in addition to raw materials such as mentioned above, can also be developed in several branches that can be processed further. For branch "soy protein" can be processed into the food industry (such as susu, vetsin, cakes, etc.) and industrial non-food (such as paper, water paint, printing ink, etc.).

Then a branch of "soybean oil" can be used as material Gliserida (such as cooking oil, margarine, ink, varnish, etc.) and as a material Lecithin (as Margarine, insecticides, plastics, pharmaceutical industry etc.).
Thus, it appears that the soybean crop has economic benefits of a broad and strategic, as well as closely related to the development of downstream industries. Therefore, it can be understood when soybean demand in the country is very large, even to meet demand this year dati soybean imports tend to increase.


Soybean contains 35-45% protein and 18-32% oil. Soy protein has amino acid balance, better than other legume. Soybean is also more important in fatty acids than most kacanglainnya.
Soybean as a source of calcium, magnesium and lecithin has been shown to reduce high cholesterol, high in vitamins B and as Antioxidant that may help prevent some types of cancer. Some know that handsome with calcium sulphate and is a good source of calcium.
Soybean plants also contain chemicals called isoflavones. Isoflavones are phytoestrogens from the subclass, and light effects similar to human oestrogen. This study are to decrease the potential cholesterol, reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, reduce symptoms of menopause
and decrease the risk of osteoporosis.

Containing soybean trypsin inhibitor (Antitripsin) that make them difficult to digest. Unless they are mature enough. Some of the compounds in soybean (protein and phytates) also can disrupt the absorption of minerals such as iron. In addition, research conducted ongoing about the possible negative impact of high consumption of soy on thyroid function, especially those who do not get enough iodine in their diet.
Soy allergies are relatively common, especially among children, and soy-based infant formula is being examined for the possibility to trigger peanut allergy


Processing plants where the results are intended to extend the store soybeans, increasing soybean nutritional value, increase the diversity of food materials with a soy base, increase the sale value, and competitiveness processed soybean.

1. Tempe
Making tempe traditionally usually use the tempe flour dried in the sun. Now where there is also making use of yeast tempe. Some things to note on the processing that is where good results are:
1. Soybean should be chosen that good (not rotten) and not gross
2. Water must be clear, no smell and does not contain disease germs
3. How the process should be clean
4. Seed tempe (tempe yeast) should be chosen that are still active (if diremas fine grain form or does not clot)

Ways of making tempe is as follows:
1) Clean and soybean rendam one night so that the skin easily separated;
2) skin peeled arinya way diinjak board. When there, you can use a parer soybean;
3) After the peeled and washed clean, steam in the boiler for 1 hour. Then angkaat and dinginkan in tampah large;
4) After the cold, the yeast is mixed with 20 grams of Tempe;
5) Enter the mixture in a mold of plastic or dialasi wrapped with banana leaves. Leaves or plastic so that dilubangi get air tempe fungi and can grow well;
6) print and close the bank with gunny to become warm. 1 night after the fungus begins to grow out and heat;
7) Take a print-print and place on a rack, row one layer and leave for 1 night;
8) Remove from Tempe cetakannya.

1) to make room tempe net and should not be made from the wall. Pemeraman be given room to the window, so that air can be regulated by opening or closing the window. In the rainy season this room need to be given so that the room temperature is not too cold.
2) Tempe easily stored decay after 2 ½ days in terbungkus circumstances, therefore, need to be preserved dry as follows:
3) Iris with tempe ± ½ mm thickness, dried in the oven at a temperature of 750C for 55 minutes. Preservation in a way like this product where the resulting resistance awetan stored for 3 to 5 weeks.
4) Per protein and fat soybean tempe, each of 22.5% and 18%. Of protein needs can be met with 55g/hari consume tempe as much as 244.44 grams.

B. SoyMilk

In addition to tempe and tahu, susu soybeans also have a high nutritional and beneficial for health. Quality of soybean protein susu susu lower than beef, but does not contain cholesterol and does not cause allergies, so consumed by the patient according to lactose intolerance. However, soybean susu
have unpleasant taste (Beany flavor) so it is less preferred by some consumers. Unpleasant taste can be eliminated with the processing technology
and appropriate use of soybean varieties that suit, that is, the yellow seeds, berkadar high-protein, and low intensity langunya.

Ways of making soy milk is as follows:

1. Clean all dirt from the soybean, and washing;
2. Boiled soybeans that have been clean for about 15 minutes ago rendam
in water for about 12 hours;
3. Wash the skin to exfoliate arinya. Destroy the stone from the mill;
4. Soybean intervention that has been fine with hot water. Poke poke mix
to the average;
5. Filter the mixture with a cloth filter, so that the solution susu
6. Tambakan sugar, vanilla, cocoa, and salt in a solvent susu, and
poke up and the average heat until boiling.

Basis of making out is melarutkan protein in soybean using water as pelarutnya. After the protein is dissolved, diendapkan try again using the material to form pengendap lump - lump protein into akan know. One is making out with a filter before soybean porridge cooked in liquid, so that is separate from ampasnya.

Know how the creation is as follows:

1. Select soybean and washed clean
2. Rendam in water for 8 hours (at least 3 liters for a kg of soybean). Soybean akan expand if soaked.
3.Cuci many - times that have been soaked soybeans. If not clean, then know that the acid will quickly become
4. Tumbuk soybean using hot water little by little until the shaped pulp
5. Cook until squash is not set at a temperature of 70oC - 80oC (marked with the bubbles - small bubbles).
6. Filter soybean porridge with water and endapkan use gypsum (calcium sulphate Cao =). As much as 1 gram or 3 ml acid to 1 L vinegar soybean extract, little by little while slowly stirred - land
7. Print and sediment are pres.

D. Soy sauce
Ways of making soy soybean is as follows:
1. Wash and rendam soybean in 3 liters of water during one night. And then boiled until the skin becomes soft soybean, and tiriskan above tampah and dinginkan.
2. Give tempe fungi in soybean that has been cooled. Poke up and save on the average room temperature (25 - 30 0C) for 35 days.
3. After the mushroom soy ditumbuhi white uniform, add saline solution. Place in a container and leave for 3 - 4 days. The maximum limit penggaraman process is two months
4. Immediately pour the water filter mendidihg ago
5. Re-enter the filter, add sugar and spices - ingredients.
Sweet soy sauce to make: 1 liter of each filter requires 2 kg of brown sugar. For salty taste: every one liter of filter requires 2 1.2 oz brown sugar.


Tauco is one of the types of food fermentation of soybean in Indonesia, especially in Java Barat.Tauco shaped pasta (semi solid) with a color ranging from yellow to brown. Tauco made from yellow soybeans, and is generally used as a spice / penyedap cuisine

The process of tauco performed with 2-stage fermentation and the fermentation kapang fermentation in laruitan salt. Fermentation kapang done well secarta spontaneous (kapang the growth in soybean comes from the surrounding air / smoke from the rest of the spore-kapang who left behind on the fermentation vessel used previously) or by adding laru tempe.

Soybean washed clean and boiled for 1-2 hours and then peeled the skin. Then soybean tenpa skin is washed and soaked for 24 hours. Then soybean boiled or steamed again for 1-2 minutes (until soft), drained and cooled and the fermentation is done kapang that can be done spontaneously with the addition laru tempe. Fermentation is carried out for 2-5 days at room temperature. Soybean fermentation results were then to be 2-4 per part soybean seeds) and soaked in saline solution 25-50%, and diinkubasi for 10-20 days in the open container in the sun and stirred each day. After fermentation is completed the salt, added some water, palm sugar and then boiled dobotolkan. The result is called tauco wet. If then dried (dried) then the result is called tauco dry.

Oncom red made from fungus Neurospora sp. Oncom generally made from red pulp, and the soybean that has been taken in making proteinnya know. Know is a waste residue from processing soybeans into know. Although materials such as waste, but is reviewed in terms of nutrition is indeed the second material is a nutrient dense material, so be pitied if very casually discarded. Other raw materials needed in making oncom is kapang. Kapang oncom can remove the enzyme lipase and protease that is active during the fermentation process and play an important role in the decomposition of sugar into starch, disintegration materials bean cell wall, and the decomposition of fat, and the establishment of a little alcohol and ester is tasty and fragrant smell.

G. OIL Soybean

Making soybean oil made dalm some stage. Before extracted soybean must first be cleaned and skinned. Then after it separated from the soybean kulitnyadan destroyed with the temperature 74 - 79oC for 30 minutes. In this process occurs denaturasi akan koagulasi and protein will reduce the oil afinitas compact and easier to be in the process of extraction. Soybean extraction can be done using the tool, or with the press hidraulik organic solvent with the soxhlet method. After that is done with the purification filtrasi to remove dirt. Then dikakukan separation is the separation of Gum gum fospolipid, carbohydrate residues, water and resin without reducing the acid content of oil-free way agitasi between soybean mminyak with water for 30 - 60 minutes. Pemucatan the next stage is to improve the quality of the color substances absorben. Dihidrogenasi ago with the addition of hydrogen bonds in the duplex and deodorisasi with oil distillation with steam heat and pressure vacuum cleaner for purifying oil smell and feel.


Anonim. 2008. Tempe. Deputi Menegristek Bidang Pendayagunaan dan Pemasyarakatan Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Teknologi. Jakarta

Anonim. 2009. Susu Kedelai. Balai Penelitian Tanaman Kacangkacangan dan Umbi-umbian Jalan Raya Kendal Payak. Jakarta

Anonim. 2005. Kedelai. Departemen Pertanian. Jakarta


1. Waste Water Treatment Process in Palm Oil Industry
Waste water treatment process in palm oil industry usually use conventional biological treatment. Generally, we can separate to two type of treatment system in palm oil industry; a) biological treatment with land application, and b) biological treatment without land application. In biological treatment with land application, the waste water or famous as palm oil mill effluent (POME) was treated until anaerobic digestion after that spread to the plantation as an irrigation water and liquid fertilizer. Now, biological treatment with land application is a common waste water treatment system in palm oil industry. The biological treatment without land application system is the old waste water treatment system in palm oil industry. In this system the target of waste water treatment process is to reach the effluent standard. After anaerobic digestion, the POME was treated in facultative pond, aerobic pond, and some time use sand bad filter. This system needs a lot of energy for aeration and using this system we loss a lot of organic materials.

2. Green House Gas Emission from Lagoon in Palm Oil Mill Waste Water Treatment Plant
Due to the waste water treatment process including anaerobic pond, the POME treatment has potential to produce green house gas emission. Decomposition of organic matters through anaerobic digestion will produce methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2) which are green house gas. The emission of methane and carbon dioxide from lagoon of POME treatment were measured in PT. Perkebunan Nusantara VII unit Palm Oil Mill Bekri, Lampung Indonesia.

3. Waste Water Treatment Process in Sugarcane Industry
Waste water treatment process in sugarcane industry use conventional biological treatment. As a case study we observed the waste water treatment plant in PT. Gunung Madu Pantations, Lampung Indonesia. The wastewater treatment plant of PT. Gunung Madu Pantations has total area about 8.0 Ha with 11 ponds and total volume capacity approximately 244,000 m3. The hydraulic retention time of sugarcane wastewater was designed about 60 days to reduce the concentration of waste water until reach national standard. Stage of process in waste water treatment plant of PT. Gunung Madu Pantations was designed as follow: oil-solid separation → equalization → anaerobic digestion → facultative decomposition with added degrading bacteria) → aerobic decomposition → stabilization. Before discharge the waste water to river (Way Putak), the treated waste water should be through monitor pond with has fish as a bio-indicator. If the treated wastewater has concentration lower than effluent standard and has no problems with fish in monitor pond, the treated wastewater can discharge to the river.

4. Green House Gas Emission from Lagoon in Sugar Cane Waste Water Treatment Plant
Due to the waste water treatment process in sugarcane industry including anaerobic pond, the waste water treatment has potential to produce green house gas emission. Like in palm oil mill waste water treatment, decomposition of organic matters from sugarcane waste water through anaerobic digestion also will produce methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2). The emission of methane and carbon dioxide from lagoon of sugarcane waste water treatment were measured in PT. Gunung Madu Plantations, Lampung Indonesia. Location of sampling points are only in anaerobic pond (Figure 7) because in equalization pond, facultative pond and aerobic pond, the surface aerators were used for mixing (in equalization pond) and for supply oxygen.

5. Waste Water Treatment Process in Tapioca Industry
Waste water treatment process in tapioca industry also use conventional biological treatment. As a case study we observed the waste water treatment plant in PT. Umas Jaya Agrotama, Terbanggi Lampung Indonesia. The wastewater treatment plant of PT. Umas Jaya Agrotama, Terbanggi has total area about 11.8 Ha with 15 ponds and total volume capacity approximately 352,872 m3. The hydraulic retention time of tapioca wastewater was designed about 100 days to reduce the concentration of waste water until reach national standard. Stage of process in waste water treatment plant of PT. Umas Jaya Agrotama, Terbanggi was designed as follow: sedimentation pond, anaerobic pond, facultative pond, aerobic pond, and monitor pond. The treated waste water should be through monitor pond with has fish as a bio-indicator. If the treated wastewater has concentration lower than effluent standard and has no problems with fish in monitor pond, the treated wastewater can discharge to the river.

6. Green House Gas Emission from Lagoon in Tapioca Waste Water Treatment Plant
Due to the waste water treatment process in tapioca industry including anaerobic pond, the waste water treatment has potential to produce green house gas emission. Like in palm oil mill waste water treatment, decomposition of organic matters from tapioca waste water through anaerobic digestion also will produce methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2). The emission of methane and carbon dioxide from lagoon of tapioca waste water treatment were measured in PT. Umas Jaya Agrotama, Terbanggi, Lampung Indonesia. Location of sampling points is in anaerobic pond nomer 3, 4, and 5.

7. Waste Water Treatment Process in Rubber Industry
Rubber industry in Lampung province produce crumb rubber and rubber smoke sheet from latex as raw material. This process consumed a lot of water and of course will produce a lot of waste water (25-30 m3 per ton latex). The waste water contain high concentration of organic matters which indicated by high concentration of BOD and COD. The characteristics of rubber waste water are shown in Table 7. Considering to the characteristics and the amount of rubber waste water, waste water treatment process in rubber industry also use conventional biological treatment and followed by reuse of treated waste water as process water in the factory. As a case study we observed the waste water treatment plant in PT. Perkebunan Nusantara VII Unit Rubber Factory Kedaton, Lampung Indonesia. The wastewater treatment plant of PT. Perkebunan Nusantara VII Unit Rubber Factory Kedaton, Lampung Indonesia has total area about 6 Ha with 9 ponds and total volume capacity approximately 55,806 m3. The hydraulic retention time of rubber wastewater was designed about 66 days to reduce the concentration of waste water until reach national standard and reuse again the treated waste water as process water. Stage of process in waste water treatment plant of PT. Perkebunan Nusantara VII Unit Rubber Factory Kedaton was designed as follow: Rubber trap, anaerobic pond, facultative pond, aerobic pond, and recycle pond.

8. Green House Gas Emission from Lagoon in Rubber Industry Waste Water Treatment Plant
Considering to the characteristics of waste water and waste water treatment in rubber industry, the rubber industry has potential to produce green house gas. Table 8 shown that, theoretically rubber industry has highest potential to produce methane per ton raw material. But, due to the capacity of rubber factory relatively low, only about 30 ton raw materials per day, the potential of methane production from rubber factory become the lowest in agro-industry.

Handout Wastewater Technology Of Agroindustry Departemen Of Postharvest Technology Lampung University by : Dr.Eng Udin Hasanuddin

EXTRACTION OF CASSAVA STARCH (Manihot esculenta Crantz)

Processing technology tubers into flour is very simple and cheap. With the technology, small scale business is able to produce medium-quality flour that is not quite good compared to wheat flour produced large companies. Cassava enough potential to be developed because cassava is a plant that has been highly recognized by farmers and can be planted easily. Cassava is a plant that is also very flexible in the agricultural and harvest age. Land to plant cassava does not need to be specific, and does not require intensive penggarapan as well as for other horticultural crops, eg vegetables. Has been exploited for cassava starch is taken by the various industries. Pati is a major component of plant tubers - umbian tropical. Tuber crops normally used for plant consumption. Plants are rich in starch, besides containing many vitamins, minerat and other nutritional substances. In addition to use as food, tuber crops in the application for the benefit of the industry, especially cassava which is very rapid development. Seed - digit (cereal) is the main source of starch in the commercial development of some countries. Some plants and tubers - umbian used as a source of starch extraction, as in the countries India, Brazil, Thailand, Indonesia, the Philippines and China. This report is presented to discuss the process of extraction, the determination of the degree of water rendemen starch and cassava starch.

A. Cassava

Cassava is the staple food in Indonesia after rice and maize (Nuryani, 1994). Cassava or cassava is a food source of carbohydrate or energy source. Cassava or cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) is the food of the future potential in the framework of the development of agribusiness and agro-industry. Since first until now the role of cassava in large enough national food and raw materials needed for various food industry because it is rich in starch. Cassava is one of the power plants that have adapted to a variety of high kodisi land and does not require special treatment (Fitrotin, 2009).

B. Cassava Nutrition

Gynecology Cereal and tubers grow much in Indonesia. Cereal production especially rice as staple food and tubers are high. Similarly, increasing population, the need for cereal and tubers as a source of energy is also increased. Plants with high carbohydrate content such as cereal and tubers are generally resistant to high temperatures. Cereal and tubers often dihidangkan in the form of fresh, stew or kukusan, this depends on taste. Penganekaragaman food business is very important as a means to overcome the problem of dependence on one staple food only. For example, with the process and cereal roots into various forms of awetan have any sense of the unique and durable saved. The form of processed in the form of flour, GAPLEK, tapai, chips and others. This is in accordance with government programs, especially in the issue of the need food, particularly non-rice.

C. Starch

Starch is poliskarida which is composed of two types of carbohydrate that is amilosa and amilopektin in the composition of the different - different. Amilosa memebrikan nature of nature while providing amilosa sticky. Pati is one of the important substance in the world that can be updated and is a resource that is not limited. Starch produced from seeds - digit or tuberous roots. Most of the Pati used as food but with a different process physics, chemistry and biology can be converted into various other products. Pati is currently used as food, paper, textile, adhesive, beverage, pharmaceuticals and building materials. Pure starch is produced through the natural separation process without the addition of chemical substances or other. Pure starch can be used directly in producing some types of food such as Mi. To be able to use for the needs of industry Pati Pure processed before re-starting from the granula pattern to alter the shape and composition of amilase and molecular amilopectin, pasta alter the temperature, the ratio of thickness, durability against acid, heat and agitasi or mechanical nature to the ion. Modification aims to meet certain standards to comply with the required characteristics of the industry (Anonymous, 2009). D. Experiment Method 1) Cassava or Cassava 2) Cleaning 3) Pemarutan cassava 4) filtering pulp + Air 5) Suspensi 6) settling 7) Washing + Air 8) Drying 9) devastation 10) Pati E. Discussion Elections wheat into alternative staple food, the options that you can not solve the problem, but evidently raises a new problem that is not less complicated. Currently, the industry standard of wheat, both large industry and small industry, consumers and households that depend on corn have been increasingly shrill because the price of wheat, which continues to rebound. Subtitusi as wheat flour from the socialization needs to be done in the use of food that can compete with corn as the basic material of making food. Cassava flour or tapioca flour have potential as a replacement material for ease in planting the raw materials, processing, easy and relatively cheap price of Cassava has many superior characteristics as the material basis Pati is a high level of purity, character pengental a very good, neutral taste, texture well, is a cheap raw material as well as containing a high starch content, easily extracted with the process that is easily compared with other sources of starch so produced is eligible for the small scale and limited capital, the more attractive because the adhesive industry to create more liquid adhesive, smooth and stable, and a more clear Pasta Tapioca flour on the industry, the technology used can be grouped into three, namely (1) the traditional tapioca processing industry is still relying on the sun and the production is highly dependent on the season, (2) semi-modern tapioca processing industry, namely the machine-dryer (oven) in the drying process, (3) full otomate the tapioca processing industry that uses the engine's initial product to be. Industrial equipment that uses tapioca full otomate has high efficiency, because the production process requires less labor, time and result in shorter tapioca quality (Anonymous, 2009). In the first mengektrak cassava starch - cassava first peeled to remove the damaged part and then washed with water. Cassava cut into the patch to be done with the tubers extract the machine pemarut cassava or blender. Extraction aims to damage the network and tuber cells - the cells so that the tubers of cassava starch sari you out easily. Extraction of water added starch water and comparison with the base 2: 1 of 5 x filtering. This process is carried out to extend the amount of squeeze cells - cells that exit from the core network using a base fabric filter layer 2. Suspensi diendapkan starch for 24 hours, the resulting starch sediment washed with water and diendapkan return for 6 - 12 hours to obtain a net starch Suspensi thick, which was then placed into the brass and dried in oven 45 - 50oC for 24 hours the starch was dried destroyed using a waring blender until established cassava starch fine (Nurjanah, 2002). After the extraction is done, then do praktikan measurement rendemen starch menhggunakan procedures Nurjanah (2002) and water content determination using the starch method using a drying oven connection (AOOAC, 1984). Empty cup dried in the oven for 15 minutes and cooled in 15 minutes and then desikator be pondered. After that, the starch sample dried cassava extraction results be pondered as much as 3 grams. Then included in the cup. Cup and its contents has been known that the weight lifted and placed inside the oven temperature of 105 OC for 6 hours. Then the cup and its contents moved into desikator for 15 minutes. After the cold be pondered again and again dried to obtain permanent weight (the maximum value of only 0.02 behind the change a comma). After the weighing, weight of raw cassava is 1200 grams of weight and skin weight of 200 grams of cassava in 1000 gram without skin. Bers after the extraction of wet pulp is 300 grams and the weight of dry pulp after dioven is 135.5 grams. Starch wet weight is 2000 grams and the results obtained after dried 223.76 grams. And then do the calculation rendemen starch, starch, dry weight of 223.76 grams of weight and cassava obtained rendemen 1200 grams of 18,467%. The determination of water content of starch with 2.82 grams of cup weight and 3 grams of initial sample results obtained water content 25%. The results above indicate that only very few rendemen or starch produced less than 50%, terbuktidari only 1200 grams of 18,467%. So much waste from the processing of tapioca flour should be used so that it does not contaminate the environment. Rendemen with the starch that is not too much expected of cassava starch processing factory as efficiently as possible should make possible the processing of raw materials, labor to process produkasi other. While the water content of cassava starch obtained by the results of 25%, this indicates the water content of starch extraction is still big enough so that should take longer to process before drying in order to pasarkan preservation and better texture and more.


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Nurjanah. 2002. Penuntun praktikum pati. THP Unila. Bandarlampung

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Nuryani dan Sudjono, 1994. Budidaya Ubi Kayu. Dahara Priza. Jakarta

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