
Minggu, 15 Februari 2009


Cocoa is one of the commodity crops that are important enough role for the national economy, especially as a provider of employment, income sources and income countries. Besides cocoa also play a role in the development of the region and encourage the development of agro-industry. Production of cocoa in the world at this time more than 3 million tons per year. More than 70% of production is generated by the three main countries, the Ivory Coast, Ghana, and Indonesia. Indonesian as cocoa producers in the third world have a contribution + 12% of world production.
Cocoa is one of the commodities it exports are foreign exchange for countries in the non-oil sector and as a main source of income for many farmers, especially since the occurrence of economic crisis. In 2002, cocoa plantations have been providing employment and source of income for about 900 thousand families of farmers who are mostly located in Eastern Indonesia (KTI) as well as to contribute income to the three largest sub-sector after the plantation of rubber and palm oil with a value of U.S. $ 701 million.
Fruit processing cocoa beans into cocoa dry waste, among others, the body shell and cocoa pulpa, the layer of the veil of wet cocoa beans. Pulpa compound consists of sugar (10-15%) and water (85-90%). Many research for the waste of processing cocoa beans into chocolate. such as cocoa body shell can be used as cattle feed, fuel alternatives and pectin. Pulpa cocoa is usually only a waste of the environment around the place of processing cocoa beans with a touch of technology, waste can be processed into a useful food for health, that is a nata de cacao.

The Cocoa
Cocoa (Theobroma cacao) is a concrete plant a tree that came from South America. From this seed plants that produce processed products, known as chocolate. Cocoa is an annual plant (perennial) tree-shaped, in nature can reach a height of 10m. However, in the high cultivation development no more than 5 m but with a feature that extends sideways. This is done to increase productive branches.
Cocoa crops have spread widely since the origin of the cocoa still alive roam. This plant starts into India around 1560 by Spain through the South (Hall. 1949) and cocoa began cultivated widely since 1970. Cocoa development in Indonesia in several areas, including provinces and the central production of cocoa is a Province of South Sulawesi, Southeast Sulawesi, Central Sulawesi, Lampung and Bali Province. (

Cocoa Crop Cultivation
1. Terms grow
Cocoa grows in the climate temperature regularly and quite humid, not less Rainfall 2000 mm / year with the division of the regular rainfall throughout the year and without a long dry season. Cocoa plant is not resistant to wind. Highest place for cocoa should not be more than 800 m dpl. Grows well on alluvial soil and kedalamam enough. On the clay also grow well, however, clay loam and a solid yield hard water should not be planted. Even in the land of the depth of soil should not be less than one-quarter meters. While ditanah the sloping half-meter depth is sufficient. Because the roots can grow cocoa plants following the wave of the hard layer of soil sloping valley kea rah (
2. Trimming
Protective tree trimming be done in order to work for a long period of time. Trimming is done on branches that grows low and weak. Tree branches trimmed so that the lowest distance of more than 1 m from the cocoa plant canopy. Trimming is an effort to increase production and maintain the age of economic plants. With pruning it will prevent the attack of pests and diseases, tree canopy shape, maintain and stimulate the production plant.
3. Weeding
The aim is to prevent competition in the absorption of water and elements burly and prevent pests and diseases. Weeding should be done regularly, at least once a month using a hoe, leftovers or revoked by hand.
4 Fertilization
Fertilization is done after the cocoa plant was two months in the field. Fertilization in plants that have not been carried out by the fertilizer evenly diffuse the distance of 15 cm - 50 cm (for age 2 - 10 months) and 50 cm - 75 cm (for age 14 - 20 months) from the main stem. Are for plants that produce, fertilizer sowing is done on the distance 50 cm - 75 cm from the main stem. Sowing fertilizer made in the groove as deep as 10 cm.
5. Sprinkling
Sprinkling cocoa plants that grow with the condition of the land and have a good tree does not need a lot of protective water. Excessive water will cause the soil conditions become very humid. Sprinkling is done on young plants, especially plants that do not have a tree protector.
6. Eradication of pests and diseases
Eradication of pests is done with the spraying of pesticides in two stages. First, aim to have protect before known pests that attack. Degree and type of pesticide adjusted. The second stage is the pest eradication efforts, in which the type and degree of pesticide use increased. Examples of pesticides used: Deltametrin (Decis 2.5 EC), Sihalotrin (Metador 25 EC) and others.
Pests often attack the cocoa plant, among other locusts (Valanga Nigricornis), worm span (Hypsidra talaka Walker), white lice (Planoccos lilaci), eating fruit (Helopeltis sp.), And the drill stem (Zeuzera sp.). Insektisidayang often used for locust eradication, persistent span, and head lice are white Decis, Cupraycide, Lebaycide, Coesar and Atabron. Penghisap fruit can diberantas with Lebaycide, Cupraycide and Decis. Disease which is often found in the cultivation of cocoa, the disease fungi and fungi upas roots. The disease is caused by fungi Oncobasidium thebromae. It also often found rotten fruit disease caused by Phytoptera sp

Cocoa fruit can be harvested when the color changes occur in the fruit that has been cooked. Since the phases of conception and mature into fruit, cocoa takes about 5 minutes. Mature fruit characterized by changes in skin color of fruits and seeds separated from the skin in part. When fruit shake, seeds usually sounds. The delay in harvest time will result in seed. There are three changes in the color of cocoa fruit into fruit ripeness criteria class in the gardens that take the cocoa.

Nata is a biomassa consists mainly of sellules, so that the shape and the white. This is a mass Acotobacter xylinum growth of medium on the surface of the liquid that contains sugar and acid. Nata can be made from the raw material of coconut water, and waste liquid processing whey know know). Nata made from coconut water with a nata de coco, called out from the whey with nata de soya, dar kaka fluid called mucus nata de cacao. Form, color, texture and taste both nata is not different.
In the process of cocoa bean fermentation is done against the wet slimy seeds. Seeds stacked in the box that basic in hole fermentation. During the fermentation progresses, liquid mucus Cocoa will be from the bottom of the box fermentation. This can be a liquid media for production of nata. Making nata not difficult, and the cost is also not many required. Work producing nata this is an alternative business, which is quite promising (prospective).

Stages of fermentation Nata
1. Pure culture of maintenance Acetobacter xylinum
Nata fermentation culture requires pure Acetobacter xylinum. Pure culture should be maintained so that it can be used at any time require. Maintenance includes (1) so that the storage process in the time period long enough viabilitas (the ability of living) microbes can be fixed, and (2) it re-microbes that have been stored so that recovery occurs viabilitas and microbes can be prepared as inokulum fermentation.
2. Storage
a) A. Xylinum usually stored in italics so that the media made of Hassid and Barker modification that with composition as follows: glucose (100 g), leavened extract (2.5 g), K2HPO4 (5 g), (NH4) 2SO4 (0.6 g ), MgSO4 (0.2 g), so that (18 g), and coconut water (1 liter).
b) In order to storage awry with the temperature 4-70C, microbes can be stored for 3-4 sunday
3. It 3 or 4 every sunday, culture A. Xylinum must moving back on that new italics. 3 times after it, should be tested for purity culture with the culture doing isolation that cup. There is a foreign colony on the surface of the cup shows that contamination have occurred. Culture in order to have a sloping contaminated, must isolated and pure back before freshing.
4. Makingof Starter
a) Starter population is the number of microbes in the physiological condition and ready inoculated on the fermentation media. Microbes on the starter to grow quickly and soon fermentation occurs.
b) Media starter usually identical to the fermentation media. Inoculated this media with a pure culture of italics that are still fresh (age 6 days).
c) Starter can be used 6 days after inoculated with a pure culture. On the surface of the starter will grow microbes form a thin layer of white. This layer is called the nata. The long layer of this would be so bold deep reach 1.5 cm. Starter that has been aged 9 days (after inoculated calculated with the pure culture) is not recommended to use again because conditions fifiologis not optimum for the microbes of fermentation, and the level of contamination may be high enough suda.
d) Volume is adjusted with the volume of starter fermentation media which will be prepared. It is recommended starter volume not less than 5% volume of media that will be fermented into nata. User starter who not too much because it is not economical.
5. Fermentation
a) fermentation is done in liquid media that have been diinokulasi with the starter. Fermen tasi held on the condition aerob (requires oxygen). Microbes to grow, especially on the surface of the media. Nata Fermenrtasi held that until quite thick (1,0-1,5 cm). Usually the size is reached after 10 days to 15. If the fermentation be fixed, the likelihood surface nata damaged by microbes pencemar.
b) a layer of white Nata like that. This layer is the mass of microbes capsule cellulose.
c) Safeguard the rest of the media containing nata yanf very glum. Sour taste and smell can be removed with soaking and boiling the water.

1. Pure culture preparation
a) pure culture A. Xylinum
b) glucose, 100 g
c) Extract leavened, 5 g
d) K2HPO4, 5 g
e) (NH4) 2SO4, 0.6 g
f) MgSO4, 0.2 g,
g) To have, 18 g,
h) coconut water, 1 liter
i) 25% acetate acid, to set the pH to be 3-4

2. Pembuatan Starter
a) pure culture A. Xylinum
b) Glucose, 100 g
c) Urea, 5 g
d) coconut water, 1 liter
e) 25% acetate acid, to set the pH to be 3-4

3. Fermentation Nata
a) Starter
b) glucose
c) Urea
d) Waste mucus cacao
e) 25% acetate acid, to set the pH to be 3-4


1. Tools for Collecting fluid mucus
Fluid mucus will bank from cocoa beans that are fermented. This fluid flows from the bottom of the slit chest fermentation. This fluid can savd with use one of the tools as follows:
a) the plastic sheets in place at the bottom of the box fermentation. Limited to the fringe of plastic lumber to form the indentation in the plastic sheet.
b) Box of aluminum

2. Tools for Preparing pure culture
a) Tool cleaning. This tool is used to sterilize equipment and media.
b) Autoklav, or the press cooker is sufficient for this purpose.
c) test tube, and cotton. This tool is used to making so awry.
d) Needle ose. This tool is used to move the culture to a new order italics.
e) the inoculation. This tool is used as a place to move the culture so that the possibility of contamination. Can be minimized.
f) spritus lamp. This tool is used to burn the needle ose, and reduce the possibility of contamination at the time of the transfer of culture.
g) Glass beaker. This tool is used to create media that.
h) stove. This tool is used for cooking so that the new medium made before sterilization.
i) the incubation. This tool is used for incubation in order to miring
j)-room fridge (refrigerator). This tool is used to save the culture that completed incubation.
k) weighing
l) PH meter. This tool is used to set the pH to be 3-4

3. Making Starter
a) Bottle-wide chat. This tool is used as a venue for the starter.
b) Paper. Paper is used to close bottles wide chat.
c) incubation space. This space is used for incubation starter. Space must be clean, have disuci hamakan, not insect, and not easily be penetrated dust, wind, and insects.
d) the vessel medium boiled . This vessel is used to poach the media will diinokulasikan with a pure culture. Vessel must be acid-resistant, and easily cleaned. Berenamel pan or steel stanless as the most suitable venue medium boiled.
e) weighing.
f) PH meter. This tool is used to set the pH to be 3-4

4. Fermentation
a) fermentation vessel. Vessel fermentation residue-residue form of the acid resistance with depth 7-9 cm. Plastic box, stainless steel, aluminum or the enamel can be used for this purpose.
b) vessel boiled of media. This vessel is used to poach the media will diinokulasikan with the starter. Vessel must be acid-resistant, and easily cleaned. Berenamel pot or stainless steel as the most suitable venue boiled media.
c) fermentation room. This space is used for fermentation. Space must be clean, have not insected, and not easily be penetrated dust, wind, and insects.
d) weighing
e) stove
f) PH meter. This tool is used to set the pH to be 3-4

5. Harvesting Results
a) vessel boiled. This vessel is used to soak and boil nata with water so that the lost taste and acid smell. Vessel must be of acid resistant materials.
b) cutting nata. This tool is used to cut so nata cuboid. The simplest tool is a knife. Nata to cut a large number of machines can be used with a cutter that is driven by hand or machine driven.

Making way

1. Preparing culture
a) To (15-18 g) to include in 500 ml of coconut water, heated until dissolved kemidian. After the added yeast extract (5 grams) and stirred until dissolved (a solvent).
b) Sugar (75 g), and acetate acid (15 ml) included in 500 ml of fresh coconut water and stirred until the sugar dissolves (solvent b).
c) solution (a) 3-4 ml was included in the test tube, then closed with cotton. Solution (b) 3-4 is also included in the test tube to the other, and then covered with cotton. Individual sterilized at a temperature of 121oC for 20 minutes.
d) After sterilization and the solution is not too hot, the solution (a) is poured to the solution (b) the aseptis. After that the solution contains 1 b tube placed in italics to make italics and awaited the order to solidify.
e) Inokulum of Acetobacter xylinum inoculated in italics at the top of the order. Then incubated at room temperature or at temperatures up to 30oC appear similar growing. bacteri keloid and shine on the surface of the cornea so that italics.

2. Making Starter
a) Water coconut couched, and then filtered with several layers of cloth kassa, and then heated to boiling with a large fire while stirred poke. After boiling, added (a) aseat glasial acid (10-20 ml acetate acid for every 1 liter of coconut water, and (2) sugar (75-100,0 g of sugar for every 1 liter of water). Mix until sugar is stirred dissolved. This solution is called coconut water like sugar acid.
b) Urea (3 g of urera for every 1 liter of coconut water bergula acid prepared in the no. 1 above) dilarutkan in a little coconut water (1 g each of urea requires 20 ml of water). Boil this solution, then poured into a coconut acid like sugar.
c) While still hot, the medium moved in to talk some bottles width, each of 200 ml. Bottles closed with sterile cotton. After a cold, added 4 ml suspented microbes. After that, the media incubated at room temperature for 6-8 days (up to form a layer on the surface of the white media).

3. Fermentation Nata
a) filtering and dilution. Fluid mucus filtered to separate the various dirt like sand, bark fibers, and leaves. After that mucus liquid diluted with water. Each 1 liter fluid mucus added with 14 liters of water. This dilution will decolorizing liquid mucus. Liquids that are diluted liquid called mucus is watery.
b) The addition of oxygen and nutrition. Liquids heated up to boiling liquid. After boiling, added (a) glasial acetate acid (10 ml acetate acid for every 1 liter liquid thin mucus), (2) KH2PO4 (1 g for every 1 liter liquid thin mucus), (3) MgSO4. 7H2O (KH2PO4 (1 g for every 1 liter liquid thin mucus) and (4) sugar (80 g of sugar for every 1 liter of water). This mix stirred until sugar dissolves. Forwarded boiling 5-10 minutes. After that added urea ( 5 g of urea for every 1 liter liquid thin mucus) and stirred until dissolved. solvents earned media called nata. this solution cooled to lukewarm.
c) plus the Media nata starter (1 liter each media need nata starter 50-100 ml), and then moved into the fermentation vessel-Farewell denan height of 4 cm. Closed container with paper after be heated in the oven at a temperature of 1400C for 2 hours. Vessel containing the medium is stored in the room during fermentation 12-15 days to form a layer thick enough nata (1,5-2,0 cm)

4. Harvest and Washing
Nata layer was then washed with clean water. After that nata soaked in water flow or water instead replaced with water fresh for 3 days. After Nathan was cut with the long-cut 1.5 and boiled 5-10 minutes, then washed, and boiled again for 10
minutes. This is repeated until Nathan does not smell and taste more sour.

5. Packaging
a) Making syrup. Dissolve of white sugar in water (2 kg each sugar dissolved into 4 liters of water), then added vanile and bezoat (1 gram for every liter of sugar solution). Solution is boiled until the syrup boil for 30 minutes.
b) Packing. Nata is still hot to be included in the syrup, then cooled to lukewarm. After that nata packed in double plastic bags, two, or in the plasti glass, and packed with a closed meeting (a plastic bag tied with rubber, plastic and glass in the seal).

Sulistiya, Rizki. 2009. THE UTILIZATION LIQUID WASTE CACAO SEED (Theobroma cacao L.) FOR DEVELOPMENT NATA DE CACAO . Lampung University. Bandarlampung

3 komentar:

Anonim mengatakan...

Using cocoa waste for the the production of Nata is really a good idea. It will also create new jobs. After reading your blog post I got all the information about cocoa cultivation, processing and packaging. You have posted very useful information good work.


food mengatakan...

food science and technology

devendra mengatakan...

Dear Sir,

Please find attached my Curriculum Vitae and relevant information’s supporting my correspondence.

I am the Citizen of India . I have done project titled “Genetic improvement of Jatropha curcus for Adaptation and oil yield” from National Botanical Research Institute (NBRI), Lucknow; Job profile included :biochemical as well physiological aspect parameter like isolation and measurement of Metabolite, enzyme and Antioxidant; Photosynthesis and water relations in Jatropha curcus plants.

Than Join Indian Council of Agriculture Research (ICAR) for my Ph.D “Utilization of fruit processing waste for producing value added products” under Optimization of fermentation condition for maximum enzyme (Extracellular Amylase, Carboxymethyl cellulase (CMCase), β-glucosidase, Filterpaperase (FPase), Xylase, Polygalacturonase(PG), Pectinmethyl esterase (PME) production; Purification of enzyme protein by Ion-exchange chromatography, Size exclusion chromatography, Affinity chromatography, Biochemical characterization of desired enzyme; Immobilization by organic and inorganic matter and their application for juice clarification
And I saw your field of research and some of the publications in the homepage. I am so much interested in your research group. So, I would like to do my post doctoral training under your guidance.
I believe that my strong technical experience and education will make me a very competitive candidate in your lab. Please see my CV, it reveals my experience. I am waiting for your reply with positive.

Thanking you Sir,

Devendra kumar
Senior Research Fellow (SRF)
Microbiology Laboratory,
Central Institute for Subtropical Horticulture (CISH),
Rehmankhera, P.O. Kakori, Lucknow – 227107
Mb: +91-9984826303, Tel.: +91-522-2841022(Lab), Fax : +91-522-2841025
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